Folie A Deux

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Summary: Folie A Deux - A shared delusion. Lance has a darkness inside of him, one that he has suppressed for a long time. But what happens when he meets someone with the same darkness?

A/N: Let me just tell you, the Minute I have time to write again, y'all are going to cry. I have so many angsty ideas.

Trigger warnings: blood, torture, mutilation, murder, death


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Lance wasn't sure how it all started.

He always knew that he had a sick mind. But he was always able to keep it under control. He dismissed the idea and made himself think of something different. But up here in space, surrounded by war and death. . . He didn't know when the thoughts manifested in his mind again. They scared him at first, but soon the darkness spread until there was nothing he could do but indulge them. 

Then one day after a particularly long mission, in a moment of vulnerability, Lance confessed to Keith that he believed the Garla soldiers deserved more than just death. Keith had been confused at first, asking Lance what he meant. Lance became self-conscious, having not meant to say it outloud, and quickly ended the conversation. 

Keith wouldn't let it go away, however. He persisted, asking Lance about anytime they were alone together. Lance was hesitant at first, afraid that Keith was making fun of him. But soon enough he realized that Keith was serious. Lance explained that he thought that the manner in which they killed the Galra was too nice. They deserved worse. Much worse. They should suffer for everything they did to the universe and the people in it. They all should suffer. 

Soon they were staying up all night talking about ways that they would kill the Galra if they had the chance. Shooting them was too quick, they decided. To easy. They should feel the same pain that they inflicted on innocent people. After a month of this Lance realized something. Keith had the same twisted thoughts that he did.

Somehow it escalated from there.

The first time was in the castle. "Lance," Keith hissed after the others had left the hangar. Lance looked up as he discarded the last piece of his armor. "Come here" he motioned for Lance to join him in front of the red lion. Lance frowned and walked over to him.

"What?" he asked.

"Shh!" Keith whispered, glancing around the room again. "I- I have to show you something" he said quietly. Lance saw something in Keith's eyes that let him know that what he was about to see scared and excited him. Lance followed him into the lion, intrigued. Keith led Lance through the dark passage way to the back storage room. They were never used for anything except to keep a few emergency supplies incase they got stranded somewhere in their lions.

"What is it?" Lance asked as the door slid open, revealing the dark, nearly-empty storage room. Keith waited until the two of them were in the room and the door had closed behind him before he moved toward the object in the middle of the room. He leaned down and did something before flipping the light switch on the wall. Lance stared down in shock at a Galran soldier, bound and gagged. He seemed to be unconscious.

"Wh--" Lance couldn't even get any words out. Keith shuffled to Lance's side. They both stared down at the soldier.

"He, uh, he was hiding outside my lion waiting to ambush me" Keith explained. "I saw him before he realized I was there. I knocked him out and then. . . I don't know what happened. But- The next thing I knew I was tying him up and throwing him in here. No one knows he's here" Keith's voice was barely audible. The only other sound was the heavy breathing coming from the Galran. "I was about to shoot him but then. . .I- I started thinking about what we talked about the other day. About them deserving more than a quick death. . ." Keith began to ramble because he was nervous about Lance's silence. "I know you wanted to- I thought that maybe you- you would want to- I don't know why. . . I don't- I shouldn't have--" Lance reached over and put his hand on Keith's shoulder without ever looking away from the Galran.

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