Talk Me Down (Part 2)

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A/N: This is the second part to the fic that I posted a few chapters ago called Talk Me Down. I hope you all like it !

Trigger warning: self harm, suicidal thoughts, attempted suicide, blood

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Keith was off the floor and at the door in less than a second. He barged into the room without bothering to knock. He was just thinking that Lance had been in there for a while. The door hit the wall with a loud thud. Lance jumped and spun around in surprise. He was standing in front of the mirror.

With Keith's knife.

Blood, dripping on the floor.

Keith stared at the puddle on the ground in horror. His eyes traveled up Lance's shaking legs to his arms, outstretched. The bloody knife gripped in one, and the other dripping with blood. Keith shook his head, his mouth hanging open. The slashes in his wrist were deep.

"Lance..." he whispered. Lance's face was covered in tears.

"I'm sorry" he sobbed. "I'm not as strong as you" Lance lowered the knife to his wrist again. That action brought Keith back to the moment. He dove toward Lance and knocked the knife out of his hands. Lance screamed, still sobbing uncontrollably. "Just let me die!" he wailed. "Let me go! I don't want to be here!" Keith grabbed Lance with one arm and reached for a towel with the other. Lance had only had time to cut open on arm, though the wounds seemed to be very deep.

"Lance, stop struggling" Keith pleaded. "Please. I'm just trying to help you" Lance continued to try and pull away from Keith as he wrapped the towel tightly around his left wrist. It instantly turned red from the blood.

"Stop!" Lance cried. "Leave me alone! I don't want your help! I want to die!" Keith felt helpless. He didn't know what to do. He thought that Lance was past this, at least for the time being.

"I can't let you do that" Keith said gently. He reached down and pulled the taller boy into his arms. Lance was thrashing around, trying to get away from him. Keith hesitated in the doorway. Lance needed to be put into a healing pod, but he wasn't sure he could do that on his own. He didn't know if he could put someone in there against their will.

"Put me down!" Lance continued to scream as Keith turned in the opposite direction of the infirmary. "Where are you taking me!? Just leave me alone to die! No one cares about me anyway!" Keith grit his teeth as he continued to walk. It was hard with Lance moving around so much.

"Do you think I would be doing this if I didn't care about you?" he asked sharply. Lance fell silent. He stopped struggling altogether. "I've been trying to tell you, Lance" Keith continued, seeing that Lance didn't have anything to say to that. "I don't care if you're a hero or not. I don't care how many people you've saved, or how many you killed in the process. I just care about you" Lance didn't respond to that. He had gone completely still in Keith's arms. If it wasn't for his chest rapidly rising and falling Keith would've been concerned.

Lance face contorted suddenly, and he gasped. "I'm sorry" Lance said, his face transforming into a mask of shock and regret. "I'm so sorry. Oh god, I'm sorry. I don't know... I don't know what happened" Lance began sobbing, and gripped Keith's shirt tightly. Keith slowed his steps as the boy wept in his arms. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry" he repeated the words over and over again. Keith wasn't sure if he was apologizing to him, or to himself.

"Shh, you're going to be okay" he said. "I'm going to get help" he continued walking down the hall.

"Keith?" Lance asked quietly. "Can you just bandage me up? I'm really tired. I want to sleep" he said. "We can tell the others in the morning" his eyes shone up at Keith pleadingly. Keith's heart broke in his chest.

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