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Prompt: they are going to enter a planet's city and that race are very advanced in medical tech so they always check everyone and make sure they are in good health so they don't infect any people from the planet. Everyone goes through fine except for Lance who they insist needs to be rushed to hospital. Everyone, including Lance tells them he's fine and nothing is wrong. They say it's because the levels of dopamine in his brain are dangerously low, so everyone puts 2 and 2 together and is like shit.

Trigger warning: needles

~ ~ ~

It all happened so fast. One-minute Lance was climbing into the giant machine to verify that he had no illnesses that would transfer to the population, and the next he was being rushed to their hospital.

This race of aliens had technology that was very advanced in terms of what the paladins knew from earth, so they didn't know what to expect when they were asked to step into a machine to see if they had contracted any diseases that would potentially be a threat to their planet. The others had gone through with no problem, but when Lance stepped in a shrill alarm rang out. The others watched helplessly as he was whisked away.

"What is happening?" Allura demanded to know. "Where are they taking him!?" Shiro and Hunk didn't bother waiting for answers, they rushed off in the direction that they had disappeared.

"Please stay calm, Princess" The ambassador for the alien planet said. "They are only doing what is necessary to protect your Blue paladin"

"What does that mean?" Keith asked in confusion. Pidge stood by them silently, trying to figure out what was going on.

"Based on the tests that were done we have reason to believe that the Blue paladin is a danger to himself" Keith and Allura exchanged glances.

"A danger to himself!?" Pidge exclaimed, suddenly interjected. "What the fuck does that mean?"

"Your friend has a dangerously low level of dopamine in his brain" The ambassador explained calmly. "And if Voltron is to protect us and defeat the Galra we will need all of Voltron. Therefore, we must fix his chemical imbalance before he makes any... rash decisions." The three of them stared at the alien in utter confusion.

"...Dopamine?" Allura asked slowly, not understanding what he meant.

"Yes. He has a severe dopamine deficiency. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to tend to the Prince" he bowed his head to Allura and then stalked off. 

~   ~

"Where are you taking me!?" Lance ask fearfully. He had barely stepped into the machine before they were strapping him down to a cart and wheeling him away. He strained against the straps that tied him down.

"Trust me," One of the aliens said calmingly. "This is for your own good" she said.

"What's for my own good? Why am I tied down!?" three aliens were pushing the cart through the wide streets. Lance had no idea where they were headed.

"You are sick, Blue paladin. We are simply trying to help you"

"I'm not sick!" Lance insisted. "There's nothing wrong with me!" They ignored him and continued on. Lance continued to struggle until they reached a large building near the center of the city. Lance squinted his eyes to try and read the writing on the sign, but it was written in an alien language.

"Do not worry. We are almost there, Blue paladin. We will make you better"

"What is this place?" Lance asked as they wheeled him through the doors. It was eerily quiet as they walked through the halls. Lance's heart began to hammer in his chest.

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