Toeing the Line

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Trigger warnings: suicidal thoughts

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The wind whipped around Lance relentlessly, pulling him closer to the edge. It was so cold that Lance could feel it in his bones. It was like he would never be warm again. And maybe that was true. The wind coaxed Lance forward, teasing him. Lance moved until he was toeing the line of safe and peril. His feet hung over the ledge, one move and he would be gone. Lost in the inky blackness, the endless abyss. Into nothingness.

Lance was petrified as he stared up at the stars. They seemed to wink at him, encouraging him to let go. To take the next step. The final step. Terror gripped his heart as the wind urged him forward, causing him to tip forward. Lance stared down at the darkness. It was so cold, so empty. It called to him. Beckoned him to join it.

The air curled around Lance's fingers, it thrashed around his body. Lance's hair was whipping in every which direction. There wasn't a single thought in Lance's mind as he stared down at the void. It was dark, cold, empty. Comforting.

He embraced the whims of the world, listened to the wind

He closed his eyes and focused on the feeling of the wind pushing him. Coaxing him. Urging him. It whispered to him. Promises. Promises of freedom. Of comfort. Of relief from everything. Lance bit his lip so hard it bled as he braced himself for the impact. For the end. And then—

"What are you doing!?" Someone grabbed Lance's arm, yanking him back to safety. Lance could barely hear his voice over the roar of the wind. Lance's eyes flew open, his heart pounding.


"You could've gotten hurt! What are you... what are you doing..." Keith trailed off as he looked behind Lance to the edge. "Lance..." Keith's face screwed up in realization. Lance felt like a kid being caught doing something he shouldn't. He shook his head slightly and then burst into tears. Keith jerked Lance forward into his arms and then backed away from the cliff. "Oh, Lance" Keith breathed. "Lance..." Keith didn't know what else to say. Lance clung to Keith as he trembled in fear. He was no longer physically on the ledge now. He was safe in Keith's arms.

But still... the darkness called to him.

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