#168 "Magic and Curse"

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#svtshortimagines #Vernon (#167)

"Do you believe in Magic

Magic happens when two people meet and fall in love. It brings hope and happiness.

Do you believe in Curse?

When two people fell in love but they got disappointed and choose to let go, it brings sadness and vain.

Love is both a magic and a curse in everyone's heart. And it is your choice to accept it or not."

My name is (y/n). I am 30 years old and been writing romance novels for 10 years. I never had a boyfriend, nor my first kiss. In-short, I am a romance writer who is an amateur when it comes to real-life dating.

"My husband treats me like a queen."

"I am jealous of you. I wish Hoshi will be like him if we get married."

"Do you think married is happy at all?"

"Aren't you happy with your husband Mingyu?"

"Tsk, he is full of nags."

"Minghao also nags at me. But the way he does it, is so romantic."


My girl friends in highschool are talking about their husbands. Today is our mini reunion after years. And here I am, sipping my orange juice while listening to their boring conversation.

I want to go home~

"Hey (y/n), when did you  plan to get married?"

I choked. "H-Huh?"

All of their eyes are on me. Expectations are chilling me out as I took a deep breath to grasp the situation.

"You said that you have a prince-like boyfriend, " Inah said.

"And he already proposed to you last last year. Doesn't he has a plan to marry you?" Jackie questioned.

"Yah. You need to introduce him to us. What is his name?" Maine interrogated.

For three  long years, I've been deceiving my friends about my non existing love life. Because I am a writer, it was not hard to plot about meeting a prince like guy, about having a relationship to him, about our sweet moments, about the first kiss that never happened and about the wedding proposal I kept on boasting to keep my pride.  ALL OF IT WAS A LIE.

Cold sweats run down from head. No words escape from my trembling lips, instead I just look at them.

"Don't tell us, you were just lying?" Mandy, my old enemy, asked. Everyone narrowed their eyes on me, as she nailed the truth I was hiding.

"I-..." I uttered, but couldn't manage to continue another lie.

"Eyyy. I told you. (y/n) will never get a prince-like boyfriend. A girl like her? It was impossible. All she knows is writing those love scenario from a fairy tail book," mandy mocked and laughed at me.

I clenched my fist and keep my head down.

"MAndy, don't say that to (y/n). What's wrong if she is loveless even though she is already an old woman?" Inah said.  Girl, you are not helping at all.

"But it is weird. She said she is going to get married last last year. But look, the guy she supposed to marry, never appear in our sight," Mandy complained.  "She is just jealous of us. Right (y/n)?"

When I saw those smirks on her lips, I was aggreviated. And so, I stood up and unfortunately, bring out another lie.


Their eyes widened, not knowing how my pride crushed down after saying those words. I don't like their eyes, it telling me how pathetic I am. I gripped my bag and went out from the resto.

"(y/n)! Wait!" they begged me to stay.

But when I stepped out, a man grabbed my wrist and pulled me on his arms. I lifted my head, and saw the man's face.  He looks like the prince in my day dreams; my heart skipped a beat.

"Hi. My name is Chwe Vernon, 25 years old. This is maybe our first meeting but... Will you marry me?" the man in white tuxedo said.


"Will you marry me?" he asked again.

Wait. What was he asking? My mind is still blank.

"My bride ran away before our wedding ceremony. And so, will you marry me instead?"

There are tears building in his brown eyes.

Today, I will make the biggest regret in my life.

"Will you marry me?"

And it will start after I answer:


Two people met. And the magic and curse of love will begin.


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