#102 "My college student boyfriend"

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After 8 hours of a war-like studying in school,  you step out of the school gate. You released a long sighed- a significance of the hardship you faced all in all for this day.

"Hey," a man greeted you from your side.

When you tilted your head to his direction, you saw your boyfriend who is leaning against his red Ferarri car.

So you greeted him, and showed a smile as much as possible. "Minghao."

Xu Minghao has been your boyfriend for almost four years, until now. He is studying as a 2nd year college student, while you are still in senior high.

Studying and dating at the same time seems hard  for both of you, since, you are in a stage where you are preparing for a stable life in the future. However, Minghao never forget to give you his time, effort and love. He always took you home from school and even treat you for lunch during break time, or dinner after class.

"How's school?" he asked after opening his car's door for you.

"Ugh, tiring," you answered as you hopped inside. He closed the door and went on the other side.

"Seatbelt please," he advice before starting the engine.

You put your seatbelt on, leaned your back against the chair and looked outside the car's window. Of course you want to chat with him! But not today. You are exhausted and not in a mood for a long talk.

Minghao noticed it after glancing at you time to time while he drives. "(y/n)."

"Hmm?" you mumbled without looking back. In a sudden, you felt his warm palm clucthing your left hand. Indeed, he knows how to comfort you in his own ways.

"You look so tired. Should we eat some Mcfloat and fries?" he offered, but still focusing on the road.

"Nah. At this hour there are so many students at the Mcdo."

"That's not a problem. Let's just ordered in 'Drive-thru'. Okay?"


Minghao turned the wheel for a U-turn. And after some minutes, you arrive at Mcdo's drive thru lane. He opened the window and ordered, "2 mcfloats and 1 bff bundles fries." After paying the bill, he drove the car forward and wait for the order.

There is an awkward silence between the two of you. He holds your hand but still, the quietness conquered the atmosphere. Minghao is not good at showing all of his emotions at a time. So you looked at him with worried mind.

"You changed your lipstick," he said before he met your gaze. Thank God he changed the atmosphere! 

"Oh yeah, haha," you chuckled. " I saw this lipstick online. "Do I look great on it?"

Minghao nodded, but he doesn't look happy at all. "You look good on your lipstick. Actually, that color suits you well that I want to kiss your lips so bad."

Heat flushed on your cheeks. This boy never failed to fluttered you by his simple yet provocative words.

You forged a cough and pulled your hand from his grip. "You said it suits me, but hell, you don't look good at all. You are not smiling, like duh? HAhaha."

"Cause I am afraid that a lot of guys saw your lips then kiss you behind my back. Your lips are mine. You know I don't like to share what is mine," he said seriously.

It's been four years. Yes! Four years you are in a relationship with him, but damn! He can always make you feel butterflies in your stomach, almost everyday!

"Yah, don't joke around. The order is ready, look!" you changed the topic and pointed the staff giving your order from the window.

But Minghao closed the car's window and whispered, "Do I look like I am joking?"

He took off his seatbelt, leaned closer, place his right hand on your nape, pulled you closer, tilted his head and claimed your lips.

He bit your lips, up, down, side by side, licking every corner as if he is eating a lollipop.

"Your lipstick are sweet baby," he whispered in the middle of your kiss, placing his hands on your waist as he pulled you closer. He kissed your lips again like he doesn't have a plan to stop it. Until...

"Hey! Move your car!" loud noises from behind.

The people who laned behind his car are already complaining as they blew their horns. "~Beep beep~!"

The staff are also asking you to open the window and get your order.

"Uhmm, MIng--- People... stop... we should.." you mumbled in the middle of the kiss, panting as you catch some air to breathe.

Minghao pulled back and lick his wet lips. "$%^%$&**(*&^$#%^," he cursed before opening the window, getting the order and drives his car.

Hooo! That was an intense kiss.

You breathe in and out. And when you looked around, you got confused because this is not the way to your house.

"Wait Minghao, where are we going? This is not the way to my house," you asked.

"Yeah I know," he  answered with his reddened ears. "I'm gonna park my car somewhere so we can continue it."

"Continue what?"

"The thing we were doing a moment ago. We got interrupted, ugh, I want more."


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