#87 "Beshy help me"

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#svtshortimagines #Wonwoo (#81)

"Waaahh! That was so unfair! Beshy he cheated on me!"

You buried your face on his pillow while crying like a baby. Wonwoo put his book down and looked at you with his infamous poker face reaction.

"I thought I am the only girl in his life!" You kept on complaining above his bed, while he stared at your pathetic situation beside you.

"I already warned you to stop dating that guy. Tsk, you are so hard headed," he responded.

Disappointed by him, you sat up and glared back. "GO ON! BLAME ME!"

But he just shook his head and continued reading his book.

Its been 3 days already since the day you caught your boyfriend cheating on you. And the only person you can leaned on at the times like this is your gay best friend, Jeon Wonwoo.

"I want to revenge," you muttered while shooting laser beams on the ceiling.

"How?" He reacted with a lifeless tone while turning the next page of his book.

What is the best way to revenge to a cheater? As you think of the way your eyes fixed on him and finally you thought of an idea. "Aha! My boyfriend didn't know that you are a gay right?!"

Wonwoo stopped and narrowed his eyes on your direction. "W-What are y-you thinking?"

You grabbed his hands. When he looked back into your sparkling eyes, he realized that you have this kind of weird plan that is asking for his cooperation. "Beshy, act like my lover."

His eyes widened. "W-What?!"

"He didn't know you're a gay. If you act like my lover then he will think that he is not the only one who knows how to cheat. Then, I am not going to look like a pathetic girlfriend."

Surprisingly, Wonwoo's cheeks turned red and he quickly looked away so you won't noticed it. "That is n-not a g-good idea," he stuttered. He gulped before adding, "Me? Acting like your lover? Yuck." And he forged a laugh.

"Eyyy, please?" You kept on asking, leaning closer to him while pouting your lips. "Look at me beshy and say yes, please? Help me?"

He looked into your eyes, down to your pouted lips.

You knew he is gay. However, there is something on his gaze that made you stop, gulped and shivered from his mere presence. What is this feeling? This nervousness and excitement inside your body and also, the loud beating of your heart against your chest, its weird, really weird.

"W-Wonwoo, w-what's with your look?" You asked, panting.

"Don't regret it," Wonwoo whispered before he pulled your waist closer to him.

Before you could react, he smashed his lips on yours, pinning you down on his bed, and kissing you hungrily as if he was waiting for this day to come, since a long time ago.


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