#124 "Stars"

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Junhui, one of the greatest actor in Korea,  is looking at you from afar. He is holding an opened script but his gaze never leave your side.

"Mr.Junhui, why aren't you reading your script?" his manager asked.

He didn't respond. All he did is to look at you who is currently fanning his co-star Lee Hwa young. You are Lee Hwa Young's manager and it is your job to serve her during and after the shoot.

Sweat is dropping from your face but you couldn't stop from fanning the main star of this shoot. That's why, Junhui is looking at you with a worried face.

"Did I ever..." he mumbled, "Did I ever asked you to fan me during the shoot?"

"Hahaha.No. I always asking you to rest and to get serve at. But you are really kind Mr.Wen. You treat me like a brother," his manager answered.

"Yeah. A manager should treat right," he added, before he stood up.

"Y-Yah, where are you going?" His manager asked.

He walks towards your direction and to Lee Hwa young place.

"Ms. Lee Hwa Young-ssi," he greeted while looking at his co-lead actress.

Lee Hwa young and you looked at him.

"Y-Yes Sunbaenim?" Hwa Young blabbered, feeling nervous by the precense of her co-actor.

"It looks like you feel so hot hoobae (junior). I will fan for you," Jun said before grabbing the fan on your hand. Then he started to fan her.

All of the crew looked at your direction. They find it werid to saw a prodigy actor fanning his junior actress.

So Lee Hwa Young stopped him and forged a smile, "I-Im okay Sunbaenim (senior). I don't feel hot at all. HA ha ha." Then she looked at you and asked in irritated tone," You. Just get me a glass of water."

"Ah ne!" you responded and about to get the water.

But Junhui grabbed your wrists and stopped you from going. That made the surroundings awkward than ever.

"If you like some water," Jun said and pulled his hand from your wrists. "This Sunbae will get a water and serve you." Junhui bows and gave a smirk.

"N-No! Im o-okay sunbaenim. HAha," Hwayoung lied again.

It's weird.

While looking at Junhui's face, you found it weird that he seemed to save you from HwaYoung's ill action towards you. Why did a superstar like Junhui is treating you this way? Yet you never saw him looking at your eyes.

"The shoot will start!" The director shouted.

The staffs ready the filming area.

Junhui and Hwayoung are about to go to the last filming shot. But an accident happened. Hwayoung tripped down, making her lips bleed.

"Oh no!" you gasped as you wacth her throwing tanthrums while holding her bleeding lips.

"Yah Lee Hwa Young -ssi are you alright? " The director asked as he checked her lips.

It will be a big problem. Because the last shoot they are going to film is a kissing scene, where they need to shoot the actor/actress' kissing each other lips.

"Director I can't do the scene with this kind of lips!" Hwayoung shouted.

The director took a long sighed. "But how can we find a stunt double who has the same lips as yours Miss Hwayoung?"

"Yeah. That will be hard," you mumbled and everyone suddenly looked at your face, down to your lips.

Silence passed by as the director and the staffs looking at you intently.

"W-Why?" you asked confusingly.

"My manager and I have the same height. Besides, (y/n) has the same lips as I," Hwayoung suggested. "You can take her as my double. All you need is to zoom their lips right director?"

"That's right. But we can do it if Actor Junhui will agree," the director responded.

Everyone looks at Junhui, along with his reddened cheeks while he is staring at you. Junhui tilted his head and forged a cough. "Ahem, it's okay for me."

So Hwayoung pulled you closer and put you on her place. "Do it right," she warned before leaving the place.

"W-Wait," you said panicking.

"Ms. (y/n), don't worry. All we need is 10 seconds kissing scene. Just close your eyes and Mr. Junhui will do the act," director said.

You took a deep breath before looking at the man standing in front of you.

Junhui is an actor idolized by millions of fans. A lot probably dreamt of getting a kiss from him. And here you are, standing in front of him instead of his co-actors. In fact, you should treat this as a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Finally, Junhui looked at you, eye to eye. "Don't get nervous. Close your eyes and let me lead it," he said as he leaned closer.

"Y-Yeah. But this is my first kiss, if ever. I can't help it," you muttered.

"Oh really? This is not your first kiss."


"You already had your first kiss at the rooftop of our school."


Junhui cupped your cheeks, still looking at you with his gentle eyes. "I am your first kiss," he whispered.

Your eyes filled with confuse thoughts. What is he saying?! You don't remember anything he had said.

"Okay, are you ready?!" the director shouted.

"Do you want me to help you remembering that scene?" Junhui added.

"Lights camera action!"

Junhui pulled you closer and claimed your lips. His warm breath brushing on your lips, as he nibbled your upper lip, down to your lower lip. It was a slow, yet passionate kiss. His tongue licked your bottom lips, making your mouth cave opened and he entered the opening. The kiss is getting deeper, and you follow his lead by kissing back the way he is.

"Okay cut!" the director shouted.

But it seems like you two never heard anything.

"Cut!" the director said again.

Junhui pulled you more closer, depeening his kiss.

"What are they doing?" the director asked to himself. "I said cut!"

You finally realized what the director had said, so you pulled back and pushed his chest away, breathing heavily.

Junhui is breathing heavily too as his eyes are looking at you with such a pain reaction.

"You did a good job guys!" the director praised.

"Why did you forget me?" Junhui whispered, and the tears fell on his eyes. Before he walked out from the scene, leaving you confused.

"Where are you going Mr. Wen!?" the staffs panicked.

You slowly holds your lips, reminiscing the kiss he gave.

7 years ago, you lost all of your childhood memories because of an accident. While looking at Junhui's direction, you started to wonder:

"Did we ever have a past? That's why my heart beats faster like this? And it hurts so bad?"


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