#164 "Double-Life" (part 6)

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After the day Wonwoo transferred to Seiren high school and became my classmate, I skipped my work as their maid. My little brother Jihoon suddenly collapsed and I was called to the hospital, so I never had a chance to explain to the two brothers about my reasons.

6:00 pm.

I came here to their house, hoping that my work is still in its validity. When I walked in, the brothers seemed to spend their leisure time on their perspective room.Suddenly, I feel that I am not welcome anymore.

"Where is the apron?" I mumbled. I saw the flower designed apron on the side and wrapped the strap around my waist.

It's time to cook!

I opened the cabinet and found out the bag of rice on the very corner. Gosh, it is too high. Why did they always put this on the higher place?

So I tiptoed and lifted my hand to reach it.

Suddenly, my back felt hot. There is someone taller, who stood behind me.

Wonwoo? Junhui?

My head turns in a slow pace...

"Dwarf," he whispered. My eyes met his, making my heart skipped a beat while those scenes from yesterday came alive inside my head.


My plan is to go to the brother's house as soon as I went out from the hospital. But when I explained it to their mother, she told me not to bother and just come straight to school.

It was my first time coming here, inside our empty room, in this hour.

"Ahhh," I hummed, the echoed surrounds the four walls room.

When I looked at the sky from the window, I feel calmer. It is exactly the same feeling I had when I was with him.

"Wonwoo is like a clouds in the sky," I muttered to myself. Without noticing, my lips perched up.

"An idiot talking to herself. What a scene," someone came. Even without looking, I knew whose voice it is.


He put his bag down and came closer. "Why didn't you come work last night? And even this early morning. Do you already want to quit? Or, did something bad happened? "

It was surprising. I thought he will be mad or will tease me,but his face looks so worried.

"My brother collapsed. S-So, I went to the hospital," I answered while my head facing the floor.

"Really? That's bad. I hope Jihoon will be okay," he mourned.

Oh? How did know my brother's name?

"Did I tell you my brother's name in the past?" I asked and looked at his eyes for an explanation.

But he avoided my gaze and showed an awkward action by scratching his nape. "Y-Yeah. Y-You shared his name before. Ahem."

Did I?

I couldn't remember it.

"Anyway. I thought you didn't come for work because of my brother," he changed the topic.

"Why did you think of that?"

He scratched his nape again and avoided my eyes. "U-Uhmm, well, you like him, as a man."

My eyes widened. Did it really show?

"When he transferred here, you must be afraid that he will find your real age," he added.

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