#92 "Sweet Lips"

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"Jun," you called him and crossed your arms. 

Jun is sitting on the couch,  with his feet above the  center  table and his eyes are fixed on his phone.  "What? " He asked without  looking  back. 

"You made another woman cry again."

"And then?  That is not new,  you know. " Finally,  he looked back and put his phone down. 

You let out a long sighed and sat beside your best friend.  "Jun,  how many times I told you that hurting  girls are not right?  I heard you even kiss her. "

Jun laughed and explained,  she asked for it.  Besides,  I'm sure she loved it.  I'm a good kisser."

So you hit his shoulder and shouted, "Wanna die?!"

"Ahh!  Yah!  That was hurt! " he winced  in pain. 

"You kiss girls and tell them to 'Get lost'?  What a jerk!  Maybe I should kill you. "

"Chill babe, " he begged,  putting his hands in front of your vision. 

"Don't  call me babe,  yuck. "And you yanked his hands away. 

"Best friend,  the real thing is,  all of the girls are interested of kissing me.  Well,  because they all knew that  I am a good kisser.  You won't understand  it unless you try it."

Jun leaned closer and his eyes went down on your lips. 

"W-what are you doing?  B-Back off! " you complained while pushing  his chest away.  But that didn't stop him from getting more closer.  Until,  his face are only an inch away. 

"My lips are sweet. Trust  me," he whispered huskily. 

The tension build up. 

Your breathing became shallow as you feel his warm breath brushing on your lips. 

But.  . .

Jun suddenly pulled back and laughed.  "PfffftWahahahaha!  Do you think I will kiss you?  Hahaha.  Wake up.  I know my lips are seducing but hell,  I won't  do it to my bestfriend. "

Heat flushed on your face and you are very embarrassed.  "Jun I'll  kill you. "

Gritting your teeth,  you lifted your hands and ready yourself to hit him really hard.  But to your surprise, JUN PULLED YOUR WAIST CLOSER AND KISSES YOUR LIPS!  

"Sweet. Soft.  Addictive.  Playful, "  those are the words running inside your head while his lips are nibbling on yours. 

Jun pulled back and saw your surprise reaction. 

"Hey," he whispered  huskily.  "It was boring kissing you my friend.  If a guy kiss you,  you should nibble your lips and stick your tongue."


"That's why your boyfriend  still not giving you a kiss, tsk.  Good thing you have me. Come on, I'll  teach you."

Before  you protest,  he leaned closer and kisses your lips again,  deep and passionately. 

He pulled back, panting,  and muttered, "Follow  my lead. Stick your tongue. " And he kisses  again.

Your mind is blank.  There is something  on his kiss that made you follow his lead. 

But the kiss break when.  . .


Your boyfriend came in and punched your bestfriend's face. 



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