#37 "Young Masters" (part 6)

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#shortimagines #Seungkwan (#37)

At my left, stood a small round tea-table, and upon it a little silver tea-kettle on a standard of the same metal. Dainty cups and saucers of egg-shell china were grouped about it; a miniature silver tray held a sugar-dish and a cream-pot and a half-dozen gold-lined souvenir spoons.

This mansion sure have the most expensive utensils I ever seen.

"Are you making some cupcake?!" He asked. "Omo omo! Let me have a taste of it! I'm hungry!"

A man came inside this big kitchen and approached me.

"Hi Seungkwan,". I greeted, wearing my maid outfit, while he is wearing a toxido.

Seungkwan is one of the butlers here. He is kind, friendly, approachable and warm hearted. At first, I found him very annoying because he can't even manage to shut his mouth and stop being talkative. But when the time passed by, we became close and support each other in times of trouble and hardship working as servants.

" I am not making cupcakes. I am making some tea," I explained and showed him the tea bags and some herbs.

"What?! Kimbap be kidding. I even imagine the taste of sugar  inside my mouth!Tsk!" He complained and sat above the table. He opened his mouth as I thought he is drooling.

I poured the tea in a cup and took a sip. "You want some?" I offered.

But he declined. "Nah. I don't feel like drinking. Tea is for people who are calm in life," he said and pouted.

"Hahaha! Really? Did the head butler make you do hard things again?"

"No. That witch went to the airport. I feel down because of another reason," he said in serious tone.

I see it. I do. I see the  pain in his eyes. Seungkwan glanced upward, his mouth pursed but slightly open and loose. His eyes are fixed as if he's looking at something.

"Seungkwan,"  I called his name.

He blinks, refocuses. "Hmmm?"

"Tell me what's wrong? We are friends after all. Spill it. I don't want to see that sad face of yours. It breaks my heart."

His brows creased and face tense. "I don't think I can give my first love's first kiss to her."

"What?! Oh my god!" I put the cup above the table and leaned closer. "You have someone special to you?! Who is she? Why didn't you tell me?"

His lips pursed and made a straight line. He tilts his head and looked at me. I was waiting for his answer but all I got is this...

"Ahhh!" I shouted as I hold my forehead and glared at him.

This crazy jerk flicked my forehead really hard!

"You! Come here! Let me give you a proper way to hurt someone's precious forehead!" I shouted and ready my fingers to flick him.

But, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer. My feet stumble on the ground and when I lifted my head, I saw his face almost 2 inches away from me.

His eyes are staring at mine. His face became the color of a bad sunburn and under that blonde hair of his, it had the effect of making his head look like it was on fire.

I'd never seen  Seungkwan blush, he was always stoic, in charge and to be honest, annoyingly self assured. So when I saw that pink in his cheeks I knew something serious was afoot.

"I saw you," he whispered. "Kissing with Master Junhui. I saw it with my own eyes."

My eyes widened, my heart stopped at the moment, my hands loose down and my knees weakened.

The secret I want to hide, the secret nobody should found out and the feelings I want to forget; It is all coming back to me now.

That was not the first time Master Junhui kissed me. But I know, deep inside, it has something I couldn't explain. I am not just a maid, I am a woman too!

Why did he kiss me? Why did he made me confuse? Just why?!

"Hey," a voice came from the direction of the door.

When we both looked back, we saw Master Minghao standing right there.

I just realized our current position so I quickly yanked my hand away from Seungkwan and stood straight. He also stepped back away from me and bowed his head to Master Minghao.

"Good day Master. Is there anything you want?" Seungkwan asked him.

I bowed my head too, but still, I can feel master Minghao's gaze.

"Yeah. I need her," Minghao said.

Her? Did he mean, me?

I lifted my sight and met his gaze. He is really looking at me!

"I need to tell you something. Come in my room. Now," he commanded before he walks away.

What are we going to talk?

I fixed my hair and started to walk, that I almost forgot Seungkwan because I am in hurry to do the given task.

"I like you!" He shouted.

My feet stopped from fleeing. My head slowly turned back, wide-eyed and  confused. Did I hear it well?

He is clenching his hands, head down and biting his lower lip.

My heart is beating so hard, as I am afraid I will hear those words again. But...

"I like you," he muttered then he looked at me.


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