#99 "My classmate Mr.Lee"

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There is this guy I know named Jihoon. He is my classmate since elementary until now that  we are already in high school.

"Good morning Jihoon!" I greeted him when I saw him on our school gate.

Jihoon stopped walking. With those round little eyes he has, he looked at me. Will he greet me back? Will he smile at me? Nod at me? Or...?

I got my answer when he put his earphones on his ears and walked away like he has seen nothing but a thin air. Indeed, he is Lee Jihoon. If he ever greet me back or even smile at me, then he is not the Lee Jihoon Ive known for years.

Jihoon is an introvert, he doesn't have any friend nor anyone he can talk with here in our school. Although he excel in academics, his social performance is poor. However, Ive never stopped in greeting, smiling and looking at him despite of his behaviour.

The school bell rang. "~Ding dong~"

I packed my things inside my bag and glanced at him before I zip it close. Jihoon is sitting two rows in front of me.

I wonder, how does it feel to sat inside a room with 37 students but never have anyone to talk to? Does he feel suffocated? Lonely?

"Hello baby!" a loud voice change my focus to a boy sitting above my desk.  He is Kwon Soonyoung, my boyfriend.

"Oh, hi?" I greeted him back, actually,  in akward way.

Soonyoung pouted and asked, "Why does it feel that you are not happy seeing your cutie boyfie?" He crossed his arm and sulked.

It is not my intention, but my eyes glanced on Jihoon's back. Automatically, Soonyoung follow my gaze to him.

"Wait baby," he complained. "Your boyfriend is here but you are looking at that student named 'Jihoon'. I am getting jealous."

My eyes widened when he said his name out loud. I'm sure my cheeks are burning; simply because of the embarrasment I'll have. I checked Jihoon's side and good thing he is wearing an earphones.


I took a deep breath and explained it to my boyfriend.

"It is not what you think. I am just curious about him. You know, Jihoon and I have been classmates since elementary. However, he never greeted me back, nor talk back at me. It's weird. I saw him talking with my other classmates. Their conversations are short, but at least, they talked."

"Maybe, he doesn't like you," my boyfriend answered.

Jihoon doensn't like me?

But why? I always been good to him.

After our  class in the afternoon, I walked in the empty hallway, still thinking about the thing Soonyoung have said.

"Jihoon doesn't like me? But why?" I murmured. There is a heavy thing in my chest. I can't breathe and can't think properly. The fact that he maybe hates me, had a great impact. I feel so unfair! Well, I did my best to show him that I care! Then why?!

In the middle of thinking, someone suddenly grabbed my hand and let me faced him. In my surprise, I saw an unexpected face. It was Lee Jihoon.

"J-Jihoon?" I gasped. My eyes went down to his hand holding mine. This is the first time he holds me. It feels good... no! It feels great to be exact.

When I lifted my sight, his pink cheeks that looks like a fresh rose in spring, caught my attention.

"Who said that I hate you?" he asked.

Six words.

I counted those first six words he said to me. This is the first time he talked to me. And so, my heart keeps on beating like a beast in cage. It's crazy, I can't even explain it!

"H-Huh?" I muttered.

"I like you," he said.

My heart that was beating so fast, halted after hearing those three words.

"I like you too, as a human being," I answered.

"No. I like you as a woman. You a-are m-my crush, s-since elementary," he stuttered.





I recited those words inside my head again and again.

"S-Sorry. But I already have a boyfriend," I answered.

Stupid! Even though I can't accept his feelings, this is our first conversation! Idiot! I broke his heart. Now, I bet he won't talk to me ANYMORE.

"I know," he answered.


"But still," he added. "I like you. And I want to kiss you."


He wants to...

Before I could react, he pulled my arm closer to him, put his other hand on my nape and landed his soft lips on mine.

His lips are soft and sweet. And the way he kisses me, are so addicting.

Jihoon pulled back and looked at... probably, the most weird facial expression I had.

He kissed me! Sh*t! And i just let him do it! The worst part is...  I ACTUALLY LIKE IT AND WANT TO DO IT AGAIN!

"You are..." he mumbled. "Cute," he continued in low tone, before he turned his back and disappear on my sight.


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