#76 "Real Him" (part 2)

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#svtshortimagines #Jun (76) (part two)


I looked at my own reflection. "Hi?" I said in front of the mirror. There are no vision of a princess, nor a fairy tale kind of a lady in my eyes. Simply, I saw a normal girl, nothing special nor something unique on her- that is me. However...

~"They were laughing at you because for them, you are different. But for me, you should laugh at them because they are all the same. You are unique and special."~

Whenever I remembered those words from him, I suddenly saw myself different from the thoughts I had before.

I am unique and special. He said I am special. It repeat inside my mind again and again as my heart beats in rhytmical beat. What is this feeling? Ever since that day, I kept on thinking of him, his smile, his words, everything about that boy named Wen Junhui.

I shook my head and took a steps out from the women's comfort room of our school.

"I am bigger than you! You fool!" some screaming I heard from the men's comfort room. I stopped my feet and glared at the wall dividing these two rooms.

Boys are crazy. Tsk tsk tsk.

There is this one biggest mystery I questioned in life. "Why does men's comfort room placed beside ours?"

So then, I decided to walk away and clear the thoughts those boys' sink in my mind.

"So Jun, I heard you are hitting a girl in your class. Is that true?"

My feet freeze on the ground when I heard his name. Jun?

"Who?" Jun asked back.

"That weird girl. The virgin one," they answered.

Eaves dropping on others conversation is a big sin. However, the fact that the topic is about Jun and me, couldn't help me from escaping.

"W-What about her?" Jun asked again.

"Are you hitting her because you heard that she is a virgin? You want to take her virginity, right Jun?" and they burst out of laughing.

Jun wants to take my virginity? Jun is that kind of a person?  He approached me for the first time because he has ulterior motives on me? He acted kind because he just wanted my virginity?

I clenched my fist and bit my lower lip as I tried to control my tears building up in the corners of my eyes.

How cruel the world could be.

For the past few days, my heart beats for him, for his words, his existence, everything about him. And for the first time,I thought love just knocking on my door. But I guess, I was wrong.

Boys are all the same, either Jun.

"Shut up!" Jun shouted and my shoulder went up in tense again.

"Y-Yah, why are you getting mad Jun?"

"Don't mess with her! She is different. Don't compare her to any other girls around. She is innocent, special and a one of a kind."

"J-Jun, don't tell us, you are interested with that tacky girl?"

"What's wrong if I do? Also, the guy who will get her will be lucky. At least, she is a girl with high morality and a girl who wants to have a true love."

Tears fell from my eyes. While my heart squeezed in pain,  a  pain I am enjoying with every drops I let out.

Indeed, Jun is different. Because he is the only guy that made my heart beats like this.

"So don't say anything bad about her or I'll kill you all. Understand?!" Jun warned before he went out from the men's comfort room.

And that's how we met our gazes in front of each doors.

He stopped, wide-eyed, as he called my name, "Y-You are here (y/n)," Jun stuttered.

His cheeks are burning, just like mine.

We looked at each other eyes. And the only thought I have is...MAYBE, I AM IN LOVE.


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