#136 "Sweet Nightmare"

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I had a weird dream. After 20 years of living together with my older brothers, I found out that I am not blood-related with them.

I hope... I woke up and forget that nightmare.

My eyes slowly opened, as the light travels to my vision little by little. Ahhh~ it's morning. My fingers brushed through my blurry eyes, trying to wash my sleepy state away.

As expected, EVERYTHING must only be a weird DREAM. Right?

"Ahhh, I should move my ass or else, I'll be late in school," I mumbled while staring on the ceiling.

However, an intense hotness wrapped around my body. Something is not right. It feels like a cup of hot ramen is pouring against my skin. What is it?

My head goes downward. In my surprise, I saw my older brother laying above my tummy. His arms are wrapped against my waist and his hands are inside my shirt, gently clutching the strap of my bra. What the---!

I got frozen, unable to act in this weird position we had. But the weirdest thing is my heart beating so fast- a kind of flutter because of my brother. WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME?!

"Hmmmm," my half naked brother mumbled. Finally he opened his eyes and met my gaze. "Oh? Good morning my little lamb," he said in husky tone as he hugged me tighter.

"Scoups O-Orabeoni (big brother) w-what are you doing h-here in my b-bed?!" I exclaimed as I tried to push him away. BUt ugh! He is so strong!

Scoups Orabeoni gave me a smirk, before he says, "Because I want to sleep with my little lamb's warm body. Ahhh, hmmm, let's stay like this for a while my lamb." And then, he suddenly licked my tummy against the thin clothes I am wearing. My gosh!

I felt all shiver! And so I pushed him away, stood up and walked out from my room.

After closing the door, I finally took a breathing. "W-What's wrong with Orabeoni?" I asked in confusement.

When I turned around, my other older brother put his hands on the door and locked me between his arms. Eh?~!

"Vernon O-Orabeoni?" I stuttered. I don't know, b-but the way he stares me made me nervous.

The water is dripping from his wet hair. I bet he just came out from the shower. Vernon Orabeoni leaned closer and he whispered, "Good morning my sweet pancake," he greeted before kissing my forehead.

Eh?! Even Vernon Orabeoni is being weird!

"Yah! What is this?! Being so cheesy, go away!" I pushed him really hard and run down to the stair case.

I think my face is burning. Ugh! I cupped my cheeks and my other brother saw me. He is Wonwoo Orabeoni. Brother is holding a book while his fox eyes are on me.

"Yow. Morning," he greeted.

It is rare that he greeted me by the way. He used to ignore me from time to time before. Anway...

"G-Good morning Wonwoo Orabeoni."



He walked closer, and I feel his eyes travels to my ear. "Your ears... are reddened."

"Ha?! R-Really?" I touched my ears out of awareness. "It is all because of Vernon Orabeoni."

"Oh okay," his short reply.

We stared at each other for more seconds.

"Let me heal your reddened ears," he broker the silence with this suggestion. Before I react, he leaned closer and BIT MY LEFT EAR.

"Ahh!" I exclaimed. I stepped away from him, holding my ear with my eyes wide opened.

"Well well, it became more red," he said in husky tone before grinning.

I ran towards the kitchen, heart are beating crazily. Fortunately, I saw my other older brother, Kim Mingyu. He is wearing an apron and I bet he is making our breakfast,

"MIngyu! Orabeoni! Help me!" I asked for help.

He looked at me and shows a sweet smile. "Oh, hi there my cute lil sis."

Catching my breath, I took a huge gulped before giving my appeal. "Oppa oppa, our three brothers were so weird. Are they drunk or what?!"

Mingyu Orabeoni calmy put a plate of pancake above the table. "What did they do?" he asked.

I sat at the chair and complained, "Scoups Orabeoni was sleeping beside me. Vernon Orabeoni kissedmy forehead all of the sudden. And then, Wonwoo Orabeoni bit my ear. I think they must gone crazy."

Mingyu Orabeoni chuckled as he sat beside me. "That's natural."

"Natural?! Do you think it is natural for a brother-sister relationship?!"

My brother just smiled as an answer. "Before that, please taste my pancake." He got the fork and feed me. "Say ahhh~"

So I opened my mouth and took his creamy pancake.

"Is it good lil sis?" he asked.

"Hmm! Daebak. It is great."

"Good. Ah, wait, there is still a cream near to your lips. Let me wipe it," he suggested.

"No brother. I will wi--"


Mingyu Orabeoni licked the corner of my lips using his tongue!




What ...

What DID HE DO?!

My knees weakened in an instant. As I feel my body falling to the ground.

When I went back to the reality, I saw my four big brother standing in front. Looking at me with those smirks on their face.

"Y-Yah, why are you doing all of these to me?" I asked.

"She forgot it," Scoups said.

"Maybe she thought it was a dream," Vernon added.

"Yah. We already said last night that you are not our real sister. We are not blood related at all," Wonwoo said.

"And also... we confessed that... we like you lil sis. We love you...as a woman."

That's how I realized... that EVERYTHING IS NOT A DREAM AT ALL. How will this nightmare continue?


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