#160 "Double life" (part 3)

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Summer vacation ended. As for Jun and Wonwoo's mother's wish, I decided to stay as maid for their son. It seems like she saw how her sons enjoyed my accompany. If she only knew that one of them, Junui to be exact, was the only one who enjoyed teasing me.

Of course, I will attend my school! That's why they agreed to make me work at 6-7am, come to school at 7-4pm, and make me work again at 4-7pm. What a hectic schedule for a high school girl like me. Well, I have no choice, cause my little brother's hospital bill is at stake.

"Junhui, can I borrow your notes for our physics?" My classmate, Sheinah, asked to our mister top 1.

Junhui showed a prince-like smile. Then he answered,"of course. I will let you borrow it Ms. Sheina."

"Awww, you are so kind and gentle. Thanks," Sheina responded while blushing.

Junhui chuckled in an elegant manner before meeting my gaze.

Ugh! Just seeing his act make me wanna puke!

When he saw my awful reaction while watching him, he mouthed: "What? What?! What's your problem?!" Then he secretly showed his fist on me.

I rolled my eyes away from his direction. Huh! I'm wasting my time for a two-faced guy like him.

"Yah yah! Teacher is here!" my classmate , Dokyeom, announced.

Hoshi put the half eaten cupcake inside his bag. Dino halted from watching something on his phone screen. And Cloe stopped flirting with Seungkwan.

Teacher Doogi arrived, wearing his glasses and holding his books. "Morning class!"

"Good morning!" We recited.

"Any absent?" He asked.

"None," some of my classmates answered.

"Great. Before we start, I would like to introduce you a new face in this class. He has the same points as Junhui's . So he is another competitor for you guys," Doogi chuckled.

So there will be a transferee who can compete with Junhui's grades.

I looked at Junhui and he is kinda pissed off.

The class are mumbling after teacher announced the new transferee. "I hope it is a guy." "Someone who is as smart as Junhui?" "Then Junhui might be fall from being the top 1."

While they are busy chit chatting, a man went inside our room. He is tall and has an aura that can caught everyone's attention. I lifted my head and looked at his face.

My eye widened! I never thought he will transfer here!

"Nice meeting you everyone. My name is Wonwoo," he greeted with his deep voice.

Wonwoo! Junhui's younger brother!

Junhui scratched his nape and rolled his eyes. What is this?! He knew this from the start?! Why didn't he tell me?! If Wonwoo starts studying here, he will eventually know that I am actually not a 30 years old ahjumma, but a 17 years old teenager! My job is at stake!

My classmate starts cheering, the loudest one to cheer for Wonwoo is my classmate Mingyu.

I lifted my hands and about to cover my face. But it is too late since Wonwoo and I met each other gaze.

"Ahmm, where do you wanna sit with? There is an empty seats beside Junhui and in between (y/n) and Mingyu," teacher asked him while points the available seats.

"Sit here bro!" Mingyu shouted while pointing the seat between us.


I clasped my hands, closed my eyes and prayed. "Please don't let him sit beside me! I'll be a better maid."


"Ahjumma , we are going to be classmate. This is going to be fun."

When I opened my eyes, Wonwoo is sitting beside me. O.M.G!

I got frozen on my seat, couldn't even blink,nor breathe.


"Why were you calling her 'Ahjumma?'" Mingyu asked.

Wonwoo looked at him with his blank face. "Why should I talk to you? We are not close. My only friend here is Ahjumma. She is the only one I am interested with." Then he put his arm around my shoulder. "Right Ahjumma?" And smiled at me.

There are big difference between Junhui and Wonwoo. Junhui treat others kindly, but he treat me bad. On the other hand, Wonwoo treats others like trash, but he is too kind at me . One thing is sure: both of them have double-personalities.

"W-Wonwoo, why did you transfere here?" I asked before removing his arm from my shoulder.

He leaned closer and put his arm back on mine. "Why?" He whispered on my ear, making me felt shiver. "Are you afraid I might find your true age? Don't you worry. I already knew you were lying since the first day we've met. "

He already knew it!? How?!

"Did Junhui tell you!?" I asked before shifting my eyes on Junhui. And gosh, Junhui is staring at us from afar.

"Nope," Wonwoo answered. I feel his hand holding mine under the desk. "It was because my eyes were only watching you. I've been watching you all along ,Ahjumma. Or should I call you, miss (y/n)?"


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