#91 "My Secret" (part 2)

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I saw my classmate, Mingyu, throwing the trash on the bin on the hallway. Seeing him made me remembered the thing that happened yesterday.

"Kim Mingyu," I called him.

Mingyu dropped the trash can and looked at me. In his eyes, I can feel his breathing, a type of breathing as if someone is choking him. "W-What do you want?" He stuttered before taking a two steps away from me.

I understand why he is acting like this towards me. Yesterday, he caught Seungcheol and I kissing inside the school's comfort room. Well, I am disguising myself as a boy student in this all-boys school. Maybe, Mingyu thought that Seungcheol and I are gays.

"Can you let me explain about the thing you've saw yesterday?" I asked with my palms in icy cold. I promised not to let anyone discover the secret that I am a girl. But because I was just caught by Seungcheol, and someone saw us kissing, I think I need to straighten things. Even though, this mean like I am betting everything in my high school life; my secret, my family, the things I want to protect and the guy I'm in love with.

"I don't want to hear anything from you. Don't come closer to me, please," Mingyu stated and went inside our classroom.

This is too bad.

I'm doomed.

Mingyu thought I am a gay.

I did everything, even hiding myself inside a boy's uniform for the boy I cherished. But what will happen if the rumors start? How can I face the consequence? This is all because of Seungcheol!

I went inside our classroom and sat on my sit. Glancing on Mingyu's side, my peripheral visions led me to Seungcheol's gaze. I tilted my head and looked at him. He is grinning.

"Hi," Seungcheol greeted me while waving his hand. He even winked and gave me a flying kiss. Argh! How can I erase those scenes?! Those scenes when I let him took my first kiss?!

Slowly, Seungcheol approached me and sat above my desk.

"W-What are you doing?" I asked, stuttering. My heart beating like hell when our gaze met. I took a deep breath and pray that he won't say anything that are so unnecessary!

"Hey look, Seungcheol is talking with him. That was rare. He never make any friends nor talk with anybody," our classmates muttered.

That's right! Ever since I study in this school, Seungcheol didn't take any interest with anybody. So the fact that he is now approaching a simple and lowly kid like me, took everyone's attention. This is ...KILLING ME!

"I need to clean our school library after class. Come with me. You are my friend right?" Seungcheol said and let out a smirk.

"Woah, they are friends?!" everyone watching us gasped.

Seungcheol looked at everybody and stated, "this guy is my friend. No one is allow to touch him, talk with him nor look him in the eye without asking for my permission. Got that? Or else, I'll kill you."

Silence filled the air. I can feel the tension around our room and also to my body. I clenched my fists and bit my lower lip, trying to calm myself and the situation I am in.

Suddenly... "Hahahaha!" someone laughed.

All of us search where those laughter came from. It is his, Kim Mingyu. Mingyu is laughing?! W-Why?!

"Why are you laughing?" Seungcheol chuckled sarcastically.

Mingyu stood up and walks closer to us while his eyes are on mine. W-What is this?! Why is he... he..

"No one can touch him?" Mingyu asked then he suddenly held my hand. My eyes widened, so as our classmates.

His hand is warm, and I supposed that my cheeks are already burning because of his touch.

Mingyu leaned more closer to my face, without breaking the stare and slowly cutting the distance between us. "Hi there, I am looking at your eyes, it's cute," he added.

My god.

Oh my god.

I think... I am dying internally!

"Do you want to die?" Seungcheol asked, clenching his teeth. So Mingyu faced him and gave a smirk.

"You think you can kill me? Go ahead."

What are they doing?!

Seungcheol grabbed his collar and about to punch his handsome face! However, our teacher came in and stopped what about to happen. "MR.CHOI AND MR.KIM?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

Now, I can finally breathe. Seungcheol pulled his gripped and looked away from us.

"I'm sick. I need to go to the clinic teacher," Mingyu said. Then he suddenly held my hand and directed, "Also, I need a friend to accompany me in the clinic."

Mingyu, the boy I cherished for a long time, pulled me outside our classroom.


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