73- Raw-The Shield Turn Face

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So Bryan got a call today and it was about his father. His father passed away. He told Stephanie that he wants to be competing tonight. She tells him that he will be kicking off the show with Brie. Kane will come out and tombstone him on the announce table. Bryan then will be wheeled out and he's going to have the rest of the week off. I have a segment with The Shield where we turn face.

I'm in the ring with Dean and Joe. We are practicing one of my new moves. Dean grips my hands and I do a handstand. He launches me up and I flip in the air to land on Joe's shoulders. I don't get enough push outwards and fall on to the mat. I groan and get up.

I say,"Again."

Dean gets in position and I do some backflips and our hands lock and he lets go as he pushes me upward using my momentum to help. I stick the landing and use my downward momentum to flip Joe across the ring. I cheer and the show is starting. Bo Dallas is supposed to go on after Daniel Bryan and I go out and shut him up. I get my hoodie and the guys are supposed to come out with me. I am so pumped. No heads out and I wait for the lights to go out. Roman has a Mic for me. We head out as my music starts. I smile as the fans cheer.

Roman hands me the Mic and I say,"Bo. No. Please shut the hell up."

Bo looks like a whiny kid. I head down to the ring. The crowd cheers and Bo starts on his speech.

Bo says,"All you have to do is-."

I cut him off by saying,"Bo shut up. No one wants to hear it."

Dean and Roman lift me up onto the apron while Seth holds the bottom rope down for me. I go through the rope and the guys go to a side of the ring.

Bo says,"Hayley, I just want to congratulate you on your engagement to Roman. You're a lucky man Roman. She's beautiful. Randy should never have kissed her last night."

I let him keep going and say,"Bo."

He doesn't stop and I say,"Bo."

He doesn't stop rambling and I mentally sigh. I drop the Mic and jump and dropkick Bo Dallas. The fans cheer. Dean gets in and I smile at him. Crazy Dean has entered the building. Bo tries to fight back but I do a back breaker on him. Roman and Seth come in and I pick up the Mic.

But just as I'm about to speak Triple H comes out. He gets in the ring and calls Jerry Lawler into the ring. Triple H says something about how Jerry said that Triple H shouldn't be in power. We stand behind Triple H and wait. Triple H tells us to fix Jerry. Dean goes and backs Jerry into a corner and we follow suit. I run and some front flips and do a hurricanrana on Triple H. He gets up and Dean does a head butt to the kidneys and Roman spears him. Seth then does the Curb Stomp on him. I tell Jerry to leave. He does and Roman puts Triple H into position and I do backflips towards Dean. We do it just like in practice. I stick the landing and launch Triple H across the ring.

I smile and look at the crowd. They are stunned. My music goes off and I roll out of the ring and go to the barrier. I climb on top and the crowd cheers. I smile and I look back to see the guys on the second turnbuckle. I encourage the crowd and suddenly I'm flying into the fans. I tell them to duck. They do and I land on the tops of two chairs and security helps me down.

I turn around and see Eve cornered by Dean. I run on my hands and feet and slam my feet into the floor and launch myself at Eve. I tackle her and she rolls over and starts slapping me. I growl and buck her off me. I jump on top of her and slam her head into the floor. She screams in outrage and I get off her and throw her into the ring. I have my new ring gear on so I take my hoodie off.

I get handed a ladder by Dean and set it up. I get on top and am about to jump when I'm pushed off. I hit the ground hard and the air escapes my lungs. I try to get air in but can't. I hear Nattie's music go off and hear her go in the ring. I still can't bring air into my lungs. Dean comes to check on me and he yells for a medic. I see a doctor run over and he evaluates me and he calls for some supplies. I'm trying to get air into my lungs while Roman, Seth, Dean, and Triple H are surrounding me. I'm convulsing on the ground waiting for supplies. Natalya's face appears above me etched with concern.

The supplies have come and I realize it's an oxygen tank and mask. The doctor puts the mask on me and turns the valve on the tank. Air flows into my lungs and I relax. The convulsions have stopped and I take the oxygen mask off. I get up and the arena spins. I fall and Triple H catches me. He yells at the doctor to get a gurney out here now. The doctor does and Triple H lays me on it and they wheel me to the back. I groan as my stomach churns.

I say,"I think I'm gonna hurl."

I jump off and stumble and stagger my way to a trash can. I pull my hair out of my face and hurl into the trash can. I feel someone take my hair and see that it is Nattie. I smile weakly at her then I hurl into the trash can. Everything comes up that was in my stomach and I see Punk with a water bottle. He comes over and hands it to me. I take a sip and swish it around then spit it out. He hands me a stick of spearmint gum. I smile and he smiles back.

I look at the guys and see them watching. I feel sleep trying to take over.

I say,"I'm just going to sleep now."

I see Seth run and catches me as darkness takes over.

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