14- Hayley vs Natalya

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I smile as my music starts to play and hear the crowd gasp as the lights go out and the black lights go on. Joe comes out of nowhere and kisses me. I hand him my ring and tell him to put it with his stuff so it doesn't get lost. He smiles and takes it. I head out there and the spotlight goes on me so they know who is coming out and the crowd goes wild as I smile. The spotlight goes out and everyone gasps as my neon makeup shows. I take pictures with some fans and then get in the ring. The lights come back on and Natalya comes out. I smile as she comes in the ring. She smiles at me and we nod slightly at each other. The bell rings and we get started. I soon have Nattie on the mat and do a moonsault on her. She rolls out of the ring and I get on the top rope and do a flying moonsault. We hit the floor, thankfully padded, and I ask her if she's ok. She tells me she is and I get in the ring. Soon, Nattie has me in the sharpshooter and I laughed silently to me. I reach up and grab her and flip her over me. I nip up and the crowd cheers. I grab Natalya and pin her. I win and the crowd goes wild.

I help Natalya up and she hugs me. I hug her back and the crowd cheers. She goes into the back and after Eve Torres comes out. I don't like her and she doesn't like me. I jump onto the top rope and spear her before she gets to the ring. I get up and see her writhing in pain on the floor. I grab the Divas title and hold it above my head and the crowd starts doing the Yes chant. I laugh and head backstage. I see Bryan laughing.

Bryan comes over smiling and says, "Quit stealing my chant woman."

I laugh and say, "I didn't mean to do that. They started it."

He gives me a hug and says, "Great job out there with Nattie."

I smile and Triple H comes up and says, "That was an awesome match. The fans loved it. I loved it. You remind me of Lita."

I say, "It's an honor to be compared to such an amazing performer. Thank you Paul. I still think I should say sir instead."

He says, "I may be older than you but I'm not that old."

I laugh and say, "Thank you Paul. But if you will excuse me I need to see my fiancé."

Paul says, "Go ahead. I can't wait to watch your segment with the Shield."

He leaves and I run to Joe and he picks me up and spins me around. He pulls my ring out and slides it on my finger. I smile and he holds me close. I lay my head on his chest. Or is it his midsection since he's like 6' 3' and I'm like 5' 3'. Don't laugh at my shortness. Whatever. He just holds me and I hear someone coming. I look up and see Punk coming. I am about to ask him for a piece of gum when he tosses his pack at me.

He says, "Don't lose it."

I laugh and he leaves to head out for his match. I pull a stick of Extra Polar Ice gum out and chew it. I sigh as Joe looks at me. I think of how Klaus is going to flip.

I say, "My phone. Is in my locker room."

Joe says, "I will carry you."

I say, "No. No. I'm ok."

I get up and he walks with me to my locker room. I grab my phone and see a text from Klaus saying he is here. I tell him to head around back. I groan as I realize this night just might turn for the worse.


Wow what a cool match. Oh no Cousin Klaus is here. O.O

Book 1: Pulling on The Reigns of Love (Roman Reigns/Joe Anoa'i Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora