67- Giving Summer Some Medicine

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We are awake and getting ready for our match tonight. I leave after telling Joe my plan to get back at Summer Rae. I text everyone the plan and they all agree. I head to the locker room. I take my engagement ring off and stick it in my bra. I start to cry on cue. I head into the guy's locker room and see Summer Rae with Fandango. I see Jon and run to him. He comes to me and I cry into his chest.

Jon asks,"What happened?"

I say through the tears,"Joe called off the wedding."

Jon asks,"Why?"

I say,"Because of Summer."

Jon says,"He shouldn't have taken that to heart girl."

I say,"I love him Jon."

I break into sobs and we hear Summer and Fandango talking. They leave. I stop crying and look at Jon. We smile and high five each other. Joe texts me saying Summer Rae is trying to him. I text everyone and tell them to go to catering. They all head there except for Jon. We start there and I start the tears up as we leave. Jon puts his arm around me and we walk into catering. Everyone is there. Summer Rae comes in looking frazzled.

I go to Joe and say,"Joe please don't shut me out."

Joe says,"Enough. I don't want to talk to you anymore. You've put me through hell."

I know we are supposed to be acting but that stings a little. I feel the tears come for real and let them flow. I turn and run out of the room and sit next to the entrance crying. I hear Summer Rae trying to get Joe to take me back. I take my ring out of my bra and put it on. I hear Joe call me back k in and I hold my hand up with my engagement ring and smile. Summer looks confused. Her face is streaked with black stains from crying. We all laugh and I run to Joe and jump. He catches me and I smile at him and he leans down and kisses me. I smile.

Summer asks,"What? But you? Huh?"

I say,"Remember what I said after the fight with Eric. Never mess with me, my friends, or the ones I love."

She asks,"So you two weren't unengaged?"

I say,"Nope we were and have been since he asked me engaged."

She turns and walk out of the room. Everyone laughs and I kiss Joe. I get down.

I say,"I should go talk to her."

Joe catches my hand and says,"Be careful. She played football."

I pat his chest and say,"Sweetheart. I played quarterback in football and then did wrestling. Don't forget I also have some skills y'all haven't seen and I'm a certified professional wrestler. If I wanted to I could become a trained assassin."

Joe's eyes widen and I kiss him and go find Summer. I find her talking to Fandango. I ask him if I could speak to Summer alone. He leaves and I look at Summer.

She asks,"What do you want?"

I chuckle and say,"Summer that was just a prank."

Summer replies,"It wasn't a nice one."

I reply,"I had to do something to make you see what could've happened."

She folds her arms and I ask,"Did you like how you felt?"

She says,"No."

I reply,"See. You need to take the lesson from this experience."

She asks,"What would that be?"

I smile and answer,"Don't mess with my man."

She smiles and nods. I hug her and head back to catering. I go to Joe and he wraps his arms around me waist. I smile and place my hand on his chest. I still can't get the words that he said out of my mind. Does he really feel that way? I hope not. I tried to protect him from my past. I never wanted him to find out. I stare up at him and he is talking with Dean and Colby. I see the excitement as he talks with them. He is smiling and I look down. I can't read him. I wonder what he truly thinks of me. I love him so much it hurts. I don't know what I would do without him. I probably would turn to being an assassin.



Here's another chapter. What do y'all think? What does Joe think of Rose?

Book 1: Pulling on The Reigns of Love (Roman Reigns/Joe Anoa'i Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now