39- Friday Night Smackdown

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I can't believe how much fun we have had over this week. I had asked Criss if he would come with us to Dallas to help me with something. He agreed and he's going to fly down ahead of us. Tonight is Friday Night Smackdown. I have a match with Fandango and Eva Marie since Summer is sick. I ask Joe but I don't know. Eva is supposed to kiss Joe tonight. Her and I are not happy about it. Neither is my fiancée or hers. I'm so happy that Jonathan proposed to Eva Marie finally.

I am stretching and Eva Marie comes over. I give her a hug and she hugs me back. I see our guys coming and we pull apart. I look at Joe and he smiles. I hug Jonathan Coyle and he hugs me back. I see Eva hugging Joe and we pull apart.

I ask, "Am I the only short girl here?"

Everyone chuckles and I smile.

Eva says,"I don't want to do it Rosalie."

I take her hand in mine and reply, "I know. I won't hold it against you. Sometimes we don't want to do things but our job is our friend at times and sometimes it's our enemy."

She nods in understanding and the gorilla comes and tells us five minutes. We thank him and I run to catering to grab a water. I grab one for the others and run back. I hand Joe, Jonathan, and Eva a water bottle.

We drink and head to the gorilla. I kiss Joe and he smiles. He goes and heads to where he always comes out and heads out first. I taught Eva some dance moves for when she goes out with Fandango.

The lights go out and I hear several screams. I burst through the curtain and onto the stage. The black lights come on and I raise my hand and everyone raises theirs. I smile and run down the ramp and slide into the ring. I see Roman smiling at me. I also see Dean and Seth outside of the ring.

I go and head to the top rope and raise my hand. I wink at everyone and flip off the top rope and do several flips to the other side of the ring. I look at Seth and see him smiling. I point to Seth and I laugh. I do a flip off the top rope and land on my feet. I hear cheers and then Fandango's music starts playing. Roman and I look at each other and I sigh. He nods in understanding.

Eva and I start the match. I spear her and she groans. I apologize and stand up. I let her up and she comes to me and slaps me. I cry out like I'm supposed to. I straighten up quickly and kick her in the gut. I run and do Stratusfaction. I kick her towards her corner and go after her. She tags in Fandango.

I hear the ref telling me to tag my partner but Fandango comes at me and kisses me. This isn't part of the segment. I push him off me and do a drop kick on a confused Fandango. I get on the top rope and do a spinning splash onto him. I pin him and the ref counts even though he shouldn't. He counts three and the bell rings. I see Eva kissing Roman and sigh. I run through the ropes just as he pushes her away and tackle her to the ground. I am supposed to spit on her but I don't. I see Dean, Seth, and Roman in the ring surrounding Fandango. Roman yells as Seth and Dean pick Fandango up for the triple power bomb. They finish and I jump into the ring. I go and spit on Fandango's chest.

I wipe my lips and see Roman do the same. I run through the crowd back to the girls locker room. I look back and see the Shield looking confused and run to Brie. I see a sheet of glass and punch it. She pulls me into John's private locker room. Nikki is in there with Jonathan, Jon, Josh, and Bryan. I see that I have glass sticking out of my knuckles and don't feel the pain. Nikki jumps up and runs to me. I push them away and get out of the room. I hear them coming after to me. All I see is Eric chasing me with a knife. I get on my knees and scream as I curl up into a ball.

I hear Joe say, "Rosalie love, It's me. It's Joe. I love you."

I unfurl myself and look up. I see Joe and he helps me up. I see everyone looking concerned. Ruby pushes through them and comes and slides on her knees next to me. I hug her and see glass sticking out of my left hand. I pull away and bring my hand towards me. I grab the biggest piece of glass sticking out of my hand and pull it out. I scream in agony and toss that piece on the ground. I pull the other pieces out. Joe picks me up and tells me he is taking me to the hospital.

We pull up and head to emergency. We are seen right away. The doctor X-Rays my hand and tells me I have no little pieces of glass in my hand. She wraps it up and hands Joe a couple rolls of wrap and some medicine to put on it. We leave the room and head out to the waiting room. Everyone surrounds me and I wave them away. I go to the car and lean against the hood. Joe comes towards me and I look up at him with tears in my eyes.

Joe says, "Shh. Don't cry. It's ok."

I see Eva walk up and she says,"I didn't want to kiss him Rosalie."

I say quietly, "It wasn't you. It was Johnny."

Joe asks, "What?"

I say, "Johnny kissed me during the match."

Joe says,"I am not mad."

I say, "I didn't expect it."

He lifts my chin and kisses me. I kiss him and he pulls away. I look at my hand and it's numb. I sigh and look at Brie.

I say, "I let my temper and fear get the best of me."

Joe and everyone laughs. I smile sheepishly and we head back to the arena. I see Johnny and Summer standing together. I hear Johnny call my name and I ignore him and head to the bus. Joe comes on the bus with Brie, Nikki, Jon, Trinity, Bryan, and John. Dean and Seth guard the entrance. I see them push Johnny away and I sit and chat with everyone.



Wow. I just wrote a couple lines then everything else just followed. Hope y'all like.

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