60- Visiting Graves

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I wake up early and get ready quickly and quietly since Joe is still sleeping. I leave a note telling him I'm going to visit Cassidy's grave and that I will be back at 9 o clock. I grab my phone, iPod, and go outside and see the bus there. I go inside and grab the keys to my Impala since it's hooked to the back of the bus. I get in after unlocking it from the bus and head towards a flower shop. I grab two bouquets of flowers and leave. I head to the graveyards and walk towards Cassidy and Jeremy's graves. I lay the bouquets in front of their graves and start with Jeremy. I lean against his gravestone.

I say, "Jer I'm sorry. I wish I could have been able to save you. I know you told me that it wasn't my fault. It was Eric's fault but I still feel like if I could have just told you then we wouldn't be here. I'm sorry Jeremy. I love you. I will always love you. I actually have some good news. I'm the WWE Diva Hayley and I'm also the Diva's champion. I wish you were there when I debuted."

I take a laminated picture out of my bra and look at it. Jeremy's smiling up at me as I kiss his cheek. I feel the tears from and look up at the sky.

I say, "Jeremy, my Jeremy, if only I had been honest with you about everything. It's too late now. I wish you were here Jer. I need you. I could have saved you Jer. I was too late and I'm sorry. I really wish you were here Jeremy. I miss you."

The tears fall as the memory of Jeremy's death played through my head. I hold onto the gravestone as the sobs rack my body and I see Jeremy in my arms as he bleeds out.

I exclaim, "I'm sorry Jeremy. I'm so sorry I couldn't save you! You shouldn't be dead. You should be alive and with a wife and kids by now. You shouldn't have been there Jer. You shouldn't have been there. I should be the one dead not you. That bullet was meant for me. But you got in the way. Always protecting me to your last breath. I wish you were here Jer. I need you."

I look at my phone and see that I have been here for two hours and it's a quarter till eleven o'clock.

I say, "I love you Jer. I gotta go but I will be back before I leave. I promise. Good I wish you were with me Jeremy."

I press a kiss to my fingers and press them against Jeremy's name. I slide the picture into my bra and head back to the Impala. I put my sunglasses on and head back to Sika and Patricia's place. I feel the tears fall as Jeremy's death keeps replaying in my mind. When I arrive at the house, I turn the car off and sit there. I run my hands through my hair and breathe. I punch the steering wheel and reign in the scream that wants to escape. I punch the steering wheel several more times and take the picture out. I see Jeremy's smiling face and bite my knuckles. I run my hands through my hair several more times and get out of my Impala. I lock it up and head up to the front door. I realize I still have the picture in my hand and slide it back in my bra.

I open the door and close it. I pass by the kitchen and see everyone there having fun and laughing and they stop when they see me. Patricia asks if I'm hungry and I shake my head and keep walking towards the room Joe and I share. I get in and close the door. I kick my shoes off and slide down the door as the tears come. I hear voices downstairs and get up. I go to the bed and lay down. I take the picture out and just stare at it. Trying to get his smiling face to overcome the memory. I break down into tears as I remember that tomorrow marks three years now since Jeremy's death. I hear a knock on the door an hour later and sit up. I place the picture on the table next to my side of the bed.

I go to the door and open it. Jon and Josh are standing there. I quickly wipe my eyes and let them in. I close the door behind them and they go and sit on the bed. I see Jon pick up the picture and the memory flashes through my mind.


Trina a good friend of mine has told that she heard someone is going to try to kill me tonight. I make sure my family is out of the way and wait for Trina and her gang to arrive. All of a sudden, the door bursts open and there's Jeremy standing there smiling with his arms full of presents. I look at the clock and see that I have an hour to get him to safety. I put the presents in my room and start to push him out the door when a group of three masked figures come out of the darkness. I scream at them to let him go. Jeremy stays in front of me even though I am begging him to leave. Jeremy stands tall and they tell me if he doesn't move they will kill him instead. I beg him to leave but he doesn't leave. I see Trina come and kill the one on the left. I step out from behind Jeremy and kick the guy on the right in the nose and he falls back. I see the leader point the gun at me and i realize that it is too late to get out of the way. I hear the gun fire off and see a body jump in front of me. I realize it's Jeremy and see him fall to the ground. I scream and roundhouse kick the guy and he falls to the side unconscious. I run to Jeremy and lift his head into my lap. Trina is calling nine one one and I'm trying to stop the bleeding and I feel the tears fall.

Jeremy says, "Rose, my sweet Rose, don't blame yourself. This wasn't your fault. I love you. I love you to the moon and back. Don't ever forget that and don't ever blame yourself for this."

I say, "Jer don't talk like that. You're going to make it. You're not dying on me. Dammit Jeremy you're not dying on me. I won't let you leave me Jer. I love you Jeremy."

Jeremy tells me to come. Closer and I do and he presses a kiss to my forehead and hugs me. I'm still trying to stop the bleeding as his blood has covered my hands. He presses a kiss to my wrist and I hear the sirens. All the neighbors have come out. Trina has been long gone. I cry as Jeremy lays in my arms bleeding out. I press a kiss to his forehead.

I say, "Jer I love you. I love you so much Jeremy. Stay with me. Please."

Jeremy brings his hand up and cups my cheek. I stare down at him and see love, pride, and respect shining in his eyes. I hold his hand to my face. I see him smile and then close his eyes. He stops breathing and I feel the tears come and let them fall. Jeremy looks like he's sleeping. I see the paramedic pull up. They try to take Jeremy away from me and I scream at them. I scream at them that they're too late. That he's gone. I see them pull a stretcher out and they lift me and Jeremy onto it. They wheel us back towards the truck and load us in and head to the hospital. I saw the puddle of blood that was where we were. I still have Jeremy in my arms.

End of Flashback.

I run and grab the picture from Jon and look at it. Jeremy is still forever smiling as I kiss his cheek. I turn it over and see the letter that he wrote on the back. I turn it back over and feel the tears fall again. I fall to my knees and Jon and Josh are quickly by my side. I tell them that the guy is Jeremy. They ask why I'm crying and I tell them what happened. They asked me why I was crying over him. I tell them what Jeremy is to me.

Jeremy's my big brother.



Well that's a big shocker. Rosalie had a brother.

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