45- Hayley & the Funkadactlys vs Summer Rae, AJ Lee, and Tamina

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My match is up next and Roman is being my valet to the ring since Fandango is accompanying Summer Rae to the ring. They are already down at the ring. AJ and Tamina give me a hug before they head out. I wait and my music starts. My music has been changed to Lita's music. Of course with her consent. The crowd goes wild and I smile. Roman is walking slightly behind me. I see Summer Rae and growl. A kid is waving at me and cheering my name. I take off one of my shirts and give it to the boy and give him a kiss on the cheek.

I smile as I head to the ring where Roman is waiting. He holds the bottom rope open for me and I smile as I go through. He comes into the ring and I see Summer and she glares at me. I go to Roman and he cups my cheek slightly. Roman leans down and presses his lips against mine. The crowd goes wild and I push him gently towards the ropes and he leaves the ring. I bounce around getting ready as the girls come out. Summer Rae and I start the match off. I clothesline her to where she does a complete 360 and lands on her stomach. AJ and Tamina just stand and watch.

I flip her to her back and do an abdominal stretch on her. She's screaming in pain and I let go when the ref is at four. I'm on my hands and knees ready to jump when I am pulled out of the ring. I look up and its Fandango. I don't have time to react before his lips crash into mine. Next thing I know I'm getting up from being thrown into the steel steps. I look up and see Summer Rae smiling down at me. I growl and get up. Roman is on top of Fandango. I see Ryback and Curtis Axel running down the ramp. The Shield's music goes off and Dean and Seth run down the ramp and attack Ryback and Curtis Axel

Summer throws me into the ring and I jump up and slap her hard. Summer gasps and slaps me back. I grab her by her hair and throw her across the ring. AJ tags in because she has to and I tag Trinity. They go at it and Trinity does the Rear End and pins her. I flip into the ring and spear Tamina as she gets in to try to break the pin. We land outside of the ring out by the announce table. I sort of block my head from smashing into the table.

She asks, "Are you okay?"

I laugh softly and answer,"Yeah."

Tamina says,"I think I am just going to sit here."

I say, "I I'm gon-gonna join you."

I catch my breath and says,"Damn you Samoans. Spearing y'all is like spearing a stricken brick wall disguised as a truck disguised as a mountain."

Tamina chuckles and says, "I'll help you ice it when the match is over."

The bell rings a few seconds later and I groan as Trinity and Ariane come get me. We get into the ring and the ref lifts my arm and I wince in pain. The arm the ref is raising is the one I just rammed into Tamina. I turn to head out of the ring and I'm on the mat with blonde hair in my mouth.

Summer is slapping me and I kick her off me. She lands in the corner and I look at Tamina asking her with my eyes and she understands and nods. I pick Summer up and do a Samoan drop on her. Summer surprisingly gets up and I do a European upper cut and a boot to the face on her and she falls backwards out of the ring. I'm supposed to collapse to my knees like I've been in a match with the whole locker room. The arena is spinning and I collapse to my knees but not because of the storyline.

I try to get up and Dean, Seth, and Roman get in the ring. I feel them lift me up and they carry me upstage into the back. Trinity and Ariane are right behind them. They set me on my feet and I collapse as the room keeps spinning.

I say quietly, "I need a toilet."

Dean asks, "What?"

I say, "I need a bloody god damn toilet before I hurl on someone or something!"

I collapse onto my side and Trinity calls to Nattie who comes and picks me up by arms while Trinity picks me up by my feet and the run to the bathroom. Trinity holds my hair back and I hurl into the toilet. The memory of Fandango's lips on mine makes me hurl again.

Trin asks, "Are you alright girl?"

I say, "I don't know. I think it was when Summer Rae threw me into the steps. I didn't know she was going to do that."

Trin says, "We need to get you to the doctor."

I make a joke and say, "Well no need to worry about me hurling again. That's all I had in me."

Trin helps me rinse my mouth out and I groan. We walk slowly out of the bathroom and see Joe pacing. Dean and Seth come and take my weight from Trin. Joe walks in front as everyone moves out of the way and we go into the doctor's room and he checks me over. He says I have a slight concussion. Nothing to worry about. Joe just needs to wake me every four hours. Joe carries me to the bus and I lay down and rest.



Wow. Good.match. What is with Fandango kissing Rosalie? Summer Rae is a B****.

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