33- Date Time

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I get up and tell Joe that I am going to go shopping with Nattie for our date tonight. He chuckles and nods.

I ask, "Wait, where are we going? Classy, Casual, Sexy, What?"

Joe says, "Casual Classy."

I put my hands on my hips and look at him. He throws his hands up in surrender.

I say, "Jooooe. Casual Classy is not a thing."

He smirks and says,"I guess classy."

I smile and say, "I gotta go."

He says, "Wait!"

I shiver as his voice goes through me. I turn back around to face him.

I ask, "What?"

He say,"You forgot your kisses."

I smile and walk over to him and kiss him. Joe kisses me back and pulls me onto his lap.

I whisper in his ear, "You're my one and only weakness."

I get up and walk out of the bus. I find Nattie and ask her if she wants to go shopping with me. She agrees and we go to my Impala and see Trin and Brie. I invite them along and we head to a store in Lake Tahoe to find a dress for tonight. Brie comes to me and holds out a dress that is a beautiful blue. Trinity comes with a dress that is sparkly and blue. I try Trin's on and it fits perfectly. I set it aside and Nattie comes with a black dress that gas sparkles on it.

I say, "I like Trin's a lot."

Trinity says,"I even found a pair of shoes you can wear."

I say, "I think I will buy all three but wear Trin's for this date."

Brie say,"You should buy what you like. You shouldn't worry about our feelings. We just are here to help you find a dress for tonight."

I smile and say, "I like your and Nattie's choices. But I like Trin's more. But I am still going to buy the other two."

They all smile and I buy the shoes and the dresses and we head back to Las Vegas. I shower and get dressed on Seth's bus since he is helping Joe get ready. I'm wearing Trinity's dress choice and put the shoes on.

She drags me to the makeup artist that does her and Ariane's makeup to match their outfits before they go out to wrestle. Trin tells her classy makeup. The makeup artist, Cora, nods and gets to work.

I swear I have been sitting here for 15 minutes. I never take this long. Trinity is next to me and she is curling my hair. Another 15 minutes go by and finally Cora is done. I look in the mirror and my eyes widen. It's beautiful. I mean. I'm beautiful? Trinity finishes up in 7 minutes and I see the cameras on me and I smile as the thought of seeing Joe is in my head.

I walk to where Joe and I are supposed to meet. I grabbed a stylish leather jacket and I had given it to Trin who ran it to Joe who hopefully put it in the car. I see that the cameras are now rolling. I see Joe and smile. He sees me and smiles too.

He say,"You look beautiful."

I blush and say,"You look good. For a hound."

He looks at me and I wink. He smiles and he holds out a blue hibiscus flower.

He says,"I thought of you when I saw this."

I smile and he goes and puts it in my hair to where it stays.

I say, "Thank you for the flower Roman."

Roman says,"I was my pleasure."

Roman takes my hand and we head to the car. We head to MIX and get out. The camera crew is still with us and I smile up at Roman. He smiles down at me and he gets us inside. I look him up and down. He's wearing a nice suit and tie. I see how the fabric moves with him. He looks behind him and sees me staring. He smiles and winks.

I blush and look down. Roman and I follow the maitre'd to the table. Roman pulls out my chair for me and I smile. He pushes me in and sits down across from me.

I say, "I guess chivalry is not lost."

Roman blushes and I smile. We look at our menus and I order a New York steak with a caeser salad and broccoli. Roman orders the same and he orders a beer. The waitress hands me the wine menu and I look at Roman who is trying to keep his laughter in. I look at her and hand the menu back.

I say, "I'll have a Coors Light."

She seems shocked and I smile. I see her recover and she writes it down and leaves. Roman laughs lightly and I blush.

He takes my hand and says,"I knew you were different than the other girls."

I say, "I guess I am different. I don't order margaritas unless there is absolutely no beer."

He smiles and I wink. The cameras are still rolling and we go through the whole segment thing and our lines granted we put lines of our own into it. Once we finish, we head out to the car after Roman insisted he pay and head back to the hotel we are supposed to be staying at. The cameras are still rolling and Roman and I take the elevator up.

When we get to my room, I turn to Roman and say, "Thank you for tonight. I had a great time."

Roman smiles and says,"I had a great time too. Maybe we could do it again sometime."

I smile shyly and say, "I'd like that."

He leans down and presses a soft but sweet kiss to my lips. I kiss him back and he pulls away.

Roman says, "Goodnight Hayley."

I say, "Goodnight Roman."

Roman smiles and kisses my cheek before leaving. The cameras stop rolling on my end and I sigh in relief.



Here is the date segment from Smackdown that will be featured on RAW. Pheeeew.

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