51- Eric Comes Back.....

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When I get up the next day, I feel a slight headache but I grab three liquid Advil and take them. I smell something delicious and get out of bed. I take a quick shower and peel the gauze off. I get dressed in my ring gear for tonight's Smackdown. I put my hair in two braids and leave the room. I see Joe stirring something. I see biscuits on trays cooling and walk up behind him and wrap my arms around him. He stops stirring and turns around. He wraps his arms around me and I breathe in his scent. I look up into his eyes and I see love. Pure love radiates from his eyes. They are reflecting my eyes.

I get on my tiptoes and he leans down and our lips connect. I feel sparks and he kisses me with passion. I kiss him back with just as much passion. He reaches over and turns the stove off. Joe picks me up I wrap my legs around his waist. He grips my thighs and I grip the back of his neck. He leaves a trail of fire as he trails his lips down my neck. I sigh and he brings his lips back to mine. I don't hear the door open but I do hear Dean's voice.

Dean says, "Oh god. Geez Joe. Where we eat food seriously."

I hear Colby ask, "What?"

Joe smiles and keeps kissing me.

Seth exclaims, "Oh. Come on. Not where the food gets eaten."

I pull away and Joe leans his forehead against mine. Joe smiles and I give him one quick peck on the lips before I jump down. I walk towards Colby and he backs up against the wall.

I ask, "What are your intentions with my cousin?"

Colby says,"I am going to take care of her."

I ask, "Aaaaand?"

Colby says,"I love your cousin Rosalie. I will protect her, take care of her, and love her. I will not hurt her. I'd rather die."

I smile and turn away and go to the counter and dig into the biscuits and gravy on the plate Joe has set in front of me. I hear a knock at the door and get up to answer it. I open the door and see Eric there. I start to close the door but he wrenches it open. I stand there waiting for him to make a move. He smiles and wrenches me out by my wrist.

I punch him and he grabs me by my hair. The arena we're at is next to train tracks. I punch Eric in the gut and break away running. I hear Eric following. I make it across the street towards the tracks. Eric tackles me and I groan as rocks dig into my back. I launch him over me towards the tracks. I hear Joe yell my name. I don't turn and keep on Eric. We're on the tracks and I punch him. We go back and forth with hand to hand combat. He takes a knife out and slice my arm slightly. blood starts dripping. I kick him and he swipes the knife across my abdomen. He give me a cut like a paper cut. I soon hear a train coming. I hear Joe yelling for me to get out of the way. I see the train coming and Eric punches me. I punch him and the train is closer. Eric's eyes widen and he pushes me out of the way. Rocks dig into my back and stomach as I flip over and over till I land on my stomach. I scream his name as the train roars past. I look up and don't see Eric. I scream in horror. I see a bloody mess on the tracks. I hated Eric but I never wanted him dead. Joe runs to me and picks me up and carries me back to the arena. The sound of sirens fill the air. I look down and see that blood has stained my ring gear.



I know it seems a little fast for Eric to be out of prison but Bray was supposed to give that letter to Rosalie a week after Eric was taken away.

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