72- Talk with Sandra, the Girls and the Boys

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I wake up and see Joe asleep. I grab my phone and head outside of the room quietly. Cameron is asleep with wedding catalogues and printouts around him. I smile and leave the bus. I call Sandra and she tells me to head to the costume section of backstage. I head over there and smile as I see Sandra. She hugs me and I hug her back. She vets my measurements and we start with what she's got. We go to a room and she puts a sign on the door saying that Joe needs to stay out. I put what she has done on and she zips me up in the back. Cameramen follow me.

She asks,"What's wrong sweetheart?"

I answer,"It's nothing. Just a dream."

Sandra asks,"You wanna talk about sweetheart?"

I tell her all about my dreams and she makes alterations as she listens. I finish and look at her.

I say,"Sandra, I want to have kids. I do. But I'm afraid. What if Joe won't like me when I'm pregnant? What if he doesn't feel attracted to me after I have the child? Sandra, I love his daughter Joelle like she's my daughter but I want a child of our own."

Sandra says,"You will be a wonderful mother when it's your time sweetheart. Joe will love you just the same as he does now. Once I finish making this dress you're going to be a beautiful bride at your wedding. You should tell Joe how you feel."

I reply,"I did tell him after I accidentally woke him up last night. He told me that he wants to have kids too."

Sandra asks,"Then what are you worrying about?"

I hear the door open as Jon and Trin's voices announce that it is them.

I say,"I'm worried that I'm not going to be a good mother. I'm worried that Joe will not love me as he does now. For Christ's Sake, I'm worried the child will grow up to hate me. Sandra I'm afraid."

Jon and Trin are standing there with mouths agape as I turn around.

Jon asks,"Are you pregnant, girl?"

I giggle and say,"No. I'm not. I just had a strange dream last night and I told Joe."

Trinity asks,"What happened in the dream?"

I tell them and I also tell them what Joe said as Sandra continues making the dress.

Jon asks,"Then what are you worried about?"

I sigh and reply,"Joe. Me. The kid."

Jon says,"Be more specific."

I say," I want to have kids. I do. But I'm afraid. What if Joe won't like me when I'm pregnant? What if he doesn't feel attracted to me after I have the child? I love his daughter Joelle like she's my daughter but I want a child of our own. I'm afraid the kid is going to grow up and hate me or hate Joe."

Jon asks,"Have you told Joe these thoughts?"

I shake my head and he says,"You should tell him."

I nod and ask quietly,"Guys what if I'm not a good mother?"

The door opens and Nikki, Brie, and Bryan come in. They all smile and I smile back.

Trinity says,"You're going to be a wonderful mother Rosalie."

I look at Nikki, Brie, and Bryan. Their eyes are wide and mouths open in shock.

I quickly fix it,"I'm not pregnant. I just had a strange dream that has stuck with me all morning."

They unfreeze and Bryan says,"Joe's looking for you."

I say,"Toss me my phone."

Bryan tosses me my phone and I catch it and tell Joe that I am with Sandra doing my wedding dress. Meanwhile, Jon and Trinity are telling Nikki, Brie, and Bryan about my dream and about what Joe said. Sandra tells me to take my dress off and the guys cover their eyes and I step out of the dress and put some basketball shorts on with a Dolph Ziggler shirt. I tell the guys I'm dressed and Sandra starts to sew some jewels onto my dress.

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