66- Adam Copeland

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I told Adam what happened earlier today and then I told him about the argument with Joe. I'm sorry. Adam Copeland everyone. You all know him as the Rated R Superstar Edge. I knew him when I was fighting on the streets. He actually gave me a home when I first flew out here to Asheville, North Carolina to get into the WWE. I got a job and helped pay my share of what Adam paid when I didn't have a job. Adam saved me from being a homeless person.

I say, "I can't believe he took her side. She tried to kiss him for fucks sake. He has the nerve to tell me that I shouldn't have done that to her."

I'm pacing the floor in front of Adam. Adam is watching me as I pace.

I say, "Joe had the nerve to tell me he isn't defending her."

Adam says, "Maybe he isn't."

I say, "Course he is. Why else would he try to get me to apologize? I don't apologize."

Adam says, "Rose I think you need to take a nice hot bath and relax. Come on. I'll draw the bath for you."

I follow Adam up to my bedroom and he draws a bath with bubbles. Adam leaves and I undress and get in the tub. I feel myself relax and enjoy the bath. I hear my phone go off and I call for Adam. He comes in and I tell him to answer my phone. He does and I watch as his face goes to one of anger. He hangs up and my phone goes off and he answers and I see his face go to one of shock. I raise my eyebrow questioningly. He holds up his hand and I wait.

Adam says, "She's not my sister. I would know this."

I tell him to turn around and he does. I get out and wrap myself in a robe. I tie it closed and walk around in front of Adam and hold my hand out for my phone. He hand s it to me and I see it's my father.

I ask, "Daddy what are you trying to tell Adam?"

Dad says, "Adam is your brother. I had him with my high school sweetheart. I found out when she called yesterday."

I hang up and turn to Adam.

I say, "We need to go to the hospital."

Adam nods and goes so I can get dressed. I put my hair up in a high ponytail and head downstairs. I grab my keys and we head to my Impala. I drive to the hospital and we ask to have a genealogy test. We get in and the nurse swabs our mouths. I tell the nurse I want the test results in the next hour. She nods and leaves. I take Adam's hand as we leave the room. I jump up and down trying to get rid of this nervous energy. It's been an hour and the nurse is coming towards us. I squeeze Adam's hand tighter and she tells us that we're related. I burst into tears and Adam holds me.

Adam says, "That explains why I always wanted to protect you like you were my sister. It's because you are my sister."

I smile and say, "Half-sister."

Adam says, "You're my sister Rose."

I say, "I'm also Nattie's sister."

We go outside and I wrap my arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around my waist and hides his face in my hair. I hear him sniffle. I do the same and I hear cameras clicking. I look around and see paparazzi around us. We get in the Impala and I look at Adam. He smiles and I put my Avenged Sevenfold CD in and it blasts through the car. I leave the hospital and head back to Adam's place. I get my ring gear and a change of clothes. I tell Adam that I will leave tomorrow since I have Main Event to do. He nods and we go to bed.

I wake up the next morning and head to the arena. I run to find Natalya and find her with TJ. I tell her what I found out and she smiles. I see Joe and he sees me. I look away and Nattie looks at me.

She says, "Come on Rosalie. Joe has been a wreck. He destroyed three punching bags at the gym yesterday. He didn't get any sleep last night. Go to him."

I say, "Nattie, he defended her."

Nattie says, "He regrets it. He was just worried about a coworker. Joe loves you Rosalie. Only you."

I look at Joe and see he is sitting at a table with his head in his hands. I start towards him and see a familiar face above him. I smile and he smiles.

I shout, "Edge!"

He shouts, "Rose!"

I run to him and he catches me as I jump into his arms. I wrap my arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around me.

I ask, "What are you doing here?"

He answers, "I came to see you wrestle."

I smile and hear someone get up. Their chair falls over and I see Joe walk past. I bite my lip and look at Adam. He nods and I run after Joe. I slide out of catering and slam into the wall. I groan and see Joe walking down the hallway.

I call, "Joe!"

He keeps walking. I run and see some pallets ahead of him. I run up them and side flip off them in front of Joe. He stops and looks at me.

I says,"I called your name and you didn't turn or stop."

He says,"I obviously have moved on."

I ask, "What? Adam?"

Joe raises his eyebrow and I start laughing. He shakes his head and walks past me.

I say, "Adam's my half-brother Joe."

He stops and turns around. I jump and wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He looks at me and I smile. I press my lips against his and he instantly responds. I press my forehead against his and he looks at me.

I say, "You're the only one for me."

Joe smiles and we head back to the bus. We lay down and he falls asleep. I sleep too.



Wow. Lots of stuff.

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