53- Why Am I Bleeding?

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I wake up and remember that a show that I am waiting for premieres tonight. Arrow. It's a show based of the DC hero Green Arrow. I get up and start to run but stop as pain rips through my midsection. I groan and slowly walk out of the room. I see Joe sitting on the couch sipping a cup of coffee.

I say through the pain, "Morning."

He gets up and comes to me. I grab the island for support and he looks at me.

Joe asks, "Are you okay?"

I say sarcastically,"Yeah, Joe. I'm perfectly fine"

He raises an eyebrow and says,"I think you've been hanging around Mike too much."

I grimace and he helps me to the couch. I see the remote and grab it. Joe pouts and I smile.

I say, "I am just setting something to record."

Joe asks, "What is it?"

I say, "Arrow. It's a new show. You will like it. There's a lot of punching and kicking in it well at least from what I've seen from the previews."

Joe says,"I don't just like action."

I look at him and raise my eyebrow questioningly. He looks at me and I do it again.

He says, "Stop that. You're reminding me of my cousin and I have a romantic side."

I say, "I guess we both win. There's romance in the show as well."

Joe says,"I guess I will watch with you. But we have to do a promo today."

I say dramatically," Mo ghrá. Mo Joe."

He looks lost and I translate, "My love. My Joe."

He smiles and I set up the series of Arrow to record. I lay my head in Joe's lap and he strokes my hair. I look up at him and he smiles down at me. We just sit in comfortable silence as Joe strokes my hair. I feel pain spread throughout my left arm and hiss in pain. I pull back the gauze and see blood trickling out of the wound.

I muse, "Why am I Bleeding?"

My arm, wrist, and hand are functional so Eric didn't cut deep enough to cut a muscle or anything important. Joe looks at my wound and grabs a towel. He ties it tight under the cut and he grabs another towel and ties it tight above the cut to stop blood flow. He wraps the part with the cut loosely with a wet washcloth. He picks me up and carries me to the trainer's room.

I feel myself flying and feel myself land in strong arms. I look up and see John.

I smile and he says,"I need to take you to the trainer's room now. Joe kind of just got knocked out by Bray."

I exclaim, "What!"

John turns and starts running. I see Josh and Jon heading back towards Joe.

I say, "John we need to go back. Bray will not stop. He wants to hurt me because Eric told him to. John turn around and head back."

He keeps going and he tells Colby, Dean, Sheamus, Randy, and Christian to go help. We head to the trainer's room and he stitches me up. I tell him to wrap it in gauze. He does and I jump off the table and head back to where Joe is. I see Joe on the floor with a bloody nose and he has Colby, Dean, and Randy guarding him. Josh, Jon, and Sheamus are holding Bray back. I run up the pallets and Jon, Josh, and Sheamus see me. They duck when I jump and I land a kick to the back of Bray's head. Knocking him out.



Well that's a fun day off. haha haha.

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