57- Expected Ambush

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57-Expected Ambush

Colby and Dean are carrying me into the back when i push them both down to the ground. I wet my hair and stand waiting.

Colby and Dean exclaim, "What the hell Rose!"

i say, "Shh!"

They stay quiet and i signal for them to go back behind something solid. I hear them slowly get behind something. I tense up as i hear someone coming. I grab my hoodie and get my bladed sai out of my new hoodie. I slide them into my boots and wait. Bray comes out with Kayla and Emma. I'm pretending to be on my phone and i hear Kayla break off. Next i hear Emma break off. I look up and pretend to be shocked that he is here.

I ask, "What are you doing here?"

Bray says, "To avenge my cousin."

I say, "Eric chose to die. He pushed me out of the way. I never wanted him to die Bray. Eric was my best friend when we were younger. He was my first boyfriend. He became my best friend in those last minutes of his life. I never wanted him dead. Eric was my first kiss. But he was not my first love. My first love was the WWE. Nothing could compare to that."

I think to myself, "Except Joe"

Bray say,"You lie. You pushed him in front of that train. You killed him. You were never his friend. You never cared for him."

I hear Emma and Kayla start coming at me. I smirk and look at Bray.

I say, "I cared for him. I did. But he fucked that up when he raped me. I still never wanted him dead. I just wanted him to know that he could never have me back. He lost that right when he tried to kill me. It's funny how you're trying to make me pay for his mistakes."

I hear Emma and Kayla jump towards me. At the last second, i duck and roll into a crouch as Emma and Kayla collide and knock each other out. I flip my hair back and smile. Bray starts laughing and I hear Luke and Erick come to the back. I motion for them to stay where they are and they do. Bray comes at me and i stand up and start spinning. I hear my hair slap him in the face really hard. i stop spinning and get into a crouch. Bray wipes the blood away from his face. Apparently my hair hit so hard it slice his cheek. I take one of my bladed sai out and i run at him. I push him against the wall and reach down and grab the other bladed sai. I have the first one in front of his throat. I place the other at his groin. He stills and i smirk.

I say, "I didn't start training for the WWE for a few years. I took some time off and got myself some new skills. It took till i was 23 to learn everything i wanted to know. Then i started to train for the WWE. I wanted to be able to protect myself if this type of situation ever arose. And oh look. I was right."

Bray says,"I will get you for what you did to him."

I exclaim, "I. DID. NOTHING!"

Bray exclaims, "EXACTLY!"

I say, "If you want proof that he pushed me out of the way, go look at the security footage you idgit. Then when you see i was telling the truth. Leave me the hell alone outside of work."


Security comes and handcuffs Bray.

I say, "I want you to show him the security footage of the day Mr. Gilbert died. Then escort him out of the building and make sure he leaves."

They nod and escort him away. I tell Erick and Luke to follow for backup. They follow the security guards and i tell Colby and Dean that they can come out.

Dean asks, "How did you know that Bray would ambush you?"

i say, "Because that's what I taught Eric and apparently he taught the same things to Bray."

Colby asks, "What are those? Are you even certified to have those?"

I say calmly, "These are my bladed sai. I am certified to have them. Don't tell anyone. I will tell Joe tonight."

Colby and Dean nod and I look down at Emma Heffron and Kayla Wilson. I call for more security and they come and take the unconscious girls away. Colby, Dean, and I head back to the bus. I open the door and see everyone inside. I hear everyone gasp when they see my bladed sai. I calm everyone down and grab Joe. I take him into the bedroom and tell him all about the ambush and my bladed sai. He hugs me and tells me that he doesn't care. As long as I don't end up killing him. I kiss him and we head back out to where everyone else is and see Colby and Dean telling the story of the ambush. Joe sits down and pulls me onto his lap. We laugh as Dean and Colby re-enact everything from the ambush. I lean back against Joe and think that my life could only get better. I am going to married to a man that loves me, I have my dream job, have amazing friends and family. My life is only going to get better.



Well here's an update. This is on my computer instead of my tablet so there are probably some mistakes. Sorry if there are.

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