61- Three Years Now

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I told Jon and Josh to not tell anyone about what I told them. At least not yet. It's the next day and today's the third year mark that Jeremy's been dead. I get up and get dressed. I grab my black Pocahontas style dress and put it on. I put my in waves and didn't put any makeup on. I put my black gladiator sandals on. I get the necklace Jeremy gave me on my 10th birthday. It's a locket in the shape of the Flash symbol but totally silver. On the inside is a picture of Jeremy and I. It's laminated of course. I put it on and put the black spiked choker he got for me on my 13th birthday on. I put on some dark brown lipstick on and grab my clutch. I hear everyone in the kitchen and run to the front door. I open it and head to my car. I head to the flower shop and buy Jeremy his favorite type of flowers. Tiger Lilies. I set them in a vase I bought and add some water. I grab a pack of Tiger Lilly seeds and head to the graveyard. I walk slowly to Jeremy's grave. I set the vase by his gravestone and sit. I sigh and take the braid out. I run my hands through my hair.

I say, "Jer, today marks three years that you have been gone. I wish you were here. Dammit Jeremy it sucks without you. It's sucked ever since you were taken from me. You were the only one that I ever really trusted in the family. I didn't trust dad. I didn't trust mom. Oh wait she wasn't my mom. She was my adoptive mother. Never mind I will explain another day. I'm engaged Jeremy. Joe he's amazing. He cares about me and I care about him. We love each other. We're going to have the wedding at our Hawaii house. Well I'm thinking we have it at our Honolulu home. The one Dad but for you and I. I had Dad keep it. I couldn't let it be taken over by someone else with all the memories you and I have. Joe has a daughter. Her name's Isabella. She's beautiful. Remember when that random chick came to the house and said that you got her pregnant. Mom and Dad nearly exploded at you but I stopped them because I told them that you have always been with me and that she was just a girl who works the corner. She slapped me for saying that. After she slapped me she left with a couple of broken fingers and a fractured hand. That was a funny night. I want kids of my own with Joe. Jer I hope to have a son that is as wonderful and as amazing of a man as you were. I hope I haven't failed you in any way Jeremy. I love you big brother. Jeremy give me a sign that you're listening. Please. I miss you too much."

I hang my head and the wind blows. I smell Drakkar Noir. Jeremy always wore it. But very lightly. I look up and look around. There's nobody. The scent envelopes me and a sob catches in my throat. I feel a slight caress of air against my cheek. Jeremy always hated when I cried. I feel tears slide down and the scent stays.

I say, "Jer I love you. Please stay with me."

The smell has enveloped me again. I start crying as the sign stays with me. My big brother is here with me. I try to stand as the cries subside. I look down and stare at his gravestone. The memory comes back and I collapse to my knees crying. I wish my big brother was here. I curl up into a ball. I soon hear a bunch of footsteps. I uncurl myself and sit up. I see through my tears eight figures coming towards me. I see Jon, Josh, Seth, Dean, Trinity, Patricia, Sika, and Joe coming towards me. I stand up and look at them all confused.

I ask shakily, "What are you guys doing here?"

Joe says, "Paying our respects."

I say,"You didn't have to."

Jon says, "Rose, we told them about Jeremy."

I feel tears in my eyes again and say, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. It's just he was my brother. My only brother."

Joe says,"I understand. We all do."

I look at them and notice they are all dressed respectfully in black and have flowers in their hands. Joe walks up to me and presses a kiss to my cheek and heads to Jeremy's grave. He starts talking and I walk to wear everyone else is. I sink to my knees and Jon, Josh, and Trinity follow suit. I cry and they all envelope me in a group hug. I cry and they hug me. I hear Joe about a half hour later tell Jeremy he needs to come and take care of me. I hear him come back to us and Jon and Josh get up and head to the grave and start talking. Trinity gets up as Joe comes and kneels in front of me. I look at him and take the photo out of my bra. I show it to him and tell him it's Jeremy. He looks at the photo and looks at me. I nod for him to take the photo and he does.

I say, "I keep it close to my heart because then Jeremy is close to my heart."

Joe says, "That's beautiful Rosalie."

I collapse in Joe's arms as tears fall and say, "I miss him Joe. I miss him so much."

Joe wraps his arms around me and I smell Drakkar Noir coming from behind me. I turn and look towards Jeremy's grave and smile slightly. There are tiger willies of all different colors around his grave.

I say, "I miss you big brother."

We get up and start to head back home.

I say, "I want to come back on Christmas. Just to wish him a Merry Christmas."

Joe says, "Of course."

We get to the house and Joe puts his arm around my shoulders. I lean into him and he presses a kiss to my temple. We all sit and I start playing My Immortal by Evanescence. Everyone slowly closes their eyes and we let the song flow through us.



Kinda sad. I'm sorry.

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