25- Friday Night Fights

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We get back with 4 hours till the show. I see someone I was hoping to avoid till I left. Ruby is standing there with Eric. I call Tyler to get to the arena fast. We don't get out. We keep the door locked and I wait till Tyler texts me back saying he's at the back. I get out with Joe and tell Jon and Trinity to stay with my eyes. They go to the back of the bus and stay quiet. I head over to her and she is glaring at me. She walks up to me and slaps me. I feel Joe tense up. I squeeze his hand reassuringly.

She says, "I can't believe you would tell me to break up with Eric. You don't even know him."

I pull her away from Eric and he steps towards me and I growl at him.

I says,"I don't believe you for going so low as to date my cousin even though you should be rotting in jail you piece of shit."

He smirks guessing that the gig's up and says, "What better way than to hurt you by hurting your favorite cousin."

Ruby asks, "What's going on?"

I say, "Eric here is the same Eric that I dated, who beat me, raped me once, nearly raped me a second time and nearly killed me. That's the real reason I left the club. Joe get her to safety."

He picks her up and she starts yelling at Joe. Eric steps to the left and I step to the right.

I say, "I didn't appreciate you sending Damon. He could have really hurt someone. It felt good to spear the shit out of him."

Eric growls and we are slowly circling.

He says, "I just want you back. The club needs you. I need you."

I let out a bark of laughter and say, "Breaking into my house, nearly raping and killing me, then sending someone to hurt and/or kill my fiancé is no way to get me back to the club. It's not even a club. It's a gang. I am never going back. I was President but since we put it to vote for me to leave without any problems you should be exiled."

Eric smirks and say,"You still act like a President."

I say, "I am never going back to the Hell Cats."

He says, "I guess I am going to have to take you there. Or I can drag your precious fiancé there and tell him what you did."

I say, "I didn't do anything except look after the young ones and bail your ass out of trouble. You will never even touch him. If you try or do touch him you will have to deal with me."

He lunges at me and I spear him in midair. He flips back and lands on his knees sliding. He smiles and I growl. He comes at me and punches me. I dodge it and he brings his knee into my gut. I punch him in the nose and he cries out and backs away. I leg sweep him and he falls onto his back. I feel him grab my ankle and I fall back. He gets on top of me and slaps me. I bring my legs up around his neck and flip him off me. He lands face down on the ground.

I say, "You raped me one tine almost two times. You enjoyed my pain. You're a sick son of a bitch. Before I started Hell Cats, you were wonderful. Dare I say sweet, caring, but that all turned to something sinister? Didn't it? You're a psychotic sociopathic bitch. Now I'm going to enjoy your pain. Maybe I can beat some sense back into you."

I go and kick him in the ribs. He curls in on himself. He grabs my ankle but I kick his legs down and stomp on his groin. He is groaning in pain. He stands wobbly and throws something at me. I dodge it and see that it was a switchblade.

I say, "What's with the weapons? The Hell Cats I remember never used weaponry. Only words and sometimes a little physical persuasion. But switchblades and guns. No. You turned it into a gang. You made it into something evil."

Book 1: Pulling on The Reigns of Love (Roman Reigns/Joe Anoa'i Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now