Like tonight. We are talking to each other and smiling through the screen of our phones.

"Then you will be free to be with me, right?" He asked, pouting like a little boy asking when he will have his turn to handle the basketball.

I smiled indulgently at him, "I don't know. I might still be busy by then..."

"Fuck, this will be the last time I will date a teacher. You guys are busier than the members of the parliament. Fuck this shit," Qing pouted some more.

I chuckled at his sulking face. "Sure. Next time, date someone who is not busy. How about a model? One of the endorsers in your company. They might cheat on you but they are sure not busy,"

I am of course, talking about his ex.

"Darn, that burns." Qing smiled at me. Proudly. "Do you have more jabs like that?"

"I have a lot." I will assure him.

We laughed together. Then he will sigh, "I miss you, Dayu ah."

"I miss you too." I do. I miss him. Qing.

"Are you doing your assignment?" He asked me.

I blushed. Like I always do when the topic turned to my "assignment". "I am doing it."

"Good," Qing nodded his approval. "There is nothing wrong with learning your own body by touch, Dayu. Masturbating is not a sin too." He reminded me gently.

Because of my imposed separation from Qing while I am preparing for the exam week, he insisted in return to give me an assignment.

"Try touching yourself after showering. Or while showering. Or soaking in your tub. You said you like soaking in your tub to relax. Well, do that there."

"Do what there?" I was confused at first.

"Learn your body, Dayu. It's yours. Learn it. Note where you are ticklish. See what part of your body is sensitive. The roughest part. The smoothest part. The hardest. The softest. The prettiest. That one part you are not confident with. Learn your body. Listen to it. That is your assignment."

"How should I do that?" I asked, already stressing out about it.

"By using your hand. And looking at yourself in the mirror. Isn't that obvious?" Qing asked back, puzzledly.

My lips pursed at what he said but Qing turned serious at me. "Do this. You have to. I saw how devastated you are that you don't love your body. Well, even if you will not be fully satisfied in the way you look, I still want you to at least like your body."

"I like my body..." I said defensively.

"Then use it to experience pleasure." Qing dared me. "If you really like your body, touch it. Feel it. There is nothing to be afraid off. The worst thing that can happen is you reaffirming your belief that you don't love it but don't hate it either. Being stuck in the middle..."

"And the best thing that can happen?"

Qing grinned naughtily at me, "I might get you to agree to let me watch you masturbate." He said with full of mischief in his twinkling eyes.

A Love For KeepsWhere stories live. Discover now