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Seeing my friend kissing another guy and then watching him cry after he was left alone on the beach, anger and confused me.

I am angry, what did Director Wang said that made Yu cry? Why did he left my friend crying after their kiss?

I am confuse because why are they kissing? Since when did Yu started kissing another guy? Huh?

But I am the coward who didn't went to my bestfriend to comfort him while he cry. I chose to let Yu be. Instead, I ran back to the hotel and to our room. Took off my outdoor clothes and jumped back in bed. Pretend to be asleep and just woke up when Jian Yu came back from his walk along the beach.

"Good morning," I even yawned and stretched my arms to give credence to my "I just woke up" act. "How is the weather outside?" I asked Yu.

"Uh..." is his answer.

I sighed. Okay, Yu is not in his right mind. I think he barely knew what he was doing while we got ready for the second day of teacher's seminar.

The whole morning, I stood beside my friend to guard and observe him.

I watched in silence and winced as Jian Yu ate one banana muffin and drank a too hot coffee during breakfast with that faraway look on his eyes. I took it to task to stop Yu's hand before the juice he was pouring on his glass overflow.

Then I stared at my friend some more, who sat beside me while listening to a presentation about different methods to deal with teenagers on these modern times. Yu will clap when everyone is clapping, he will stand when everyone were asked to stand. He will sit again. Clap. And sigh. But I can bet my two months salary that Yu didn't heard even one word on that presentation.

My friend is lost.

And I cannot take it anymore. So I convinced Yu that he has a headache.

"I don't feel well?" Yu finally looked at me while we stand in front of the seminar organizer. I was asking for permission to let Yu have a few hours of rest in our room because he is feeling under the weather.

"Yes." I nodded. "You don't feel well that is why we are asking for some time so you can rest. Will that be okay, Ma'am?" I turned to the organizer. A middle aged female with a robust looking body and years of experience on dealing with deliquent teenagers.

"Is he really feeling unwell?" The organizer gave us skeptical looks.

"Of course," I said calmly. I cannot be too excited or she will be on to my lie. "Look at him. He is pale. And a bit hot. I think his body is not accustomed to the hotter weather here at the beach." I put a hand on Yu's forehead to convince the organizer.

"Yes," the organizer frowned as she stared at Yu who has that faraway look on his face again. "I can see that he is pale and cannot focus. Okay, he can take a rest. But you have to continue with this seminar," she looked at me.

"I will just take him to our room so he can rest. Then I will come back to join the activities," I said to appease the strict organizer.

"Okay," she nodded and let us go.

I took Yu to our room. Made him lie on his bed, "Rest up." I said.

"I am tired, AhnZong ah." Yu mumbled as he close his eyes. "Why am I feeling tired?"

His body is not tired. But I think his mind hasn't stopped running ever since that scene on the beach with Director Wang.

My hands fisted. I think I need to talk to Wang Qing. This cannot go on. I need to know what Wang Qing did to my friend so I will know how to help Jian Yu

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