Chapter 12 - Tables have turned.

Start from the beginning

"You were complaining about not having sex, now you're complaining about too much sex."

"I'm not complaining, I'm admiring." I wink. As I kiss her cheek, I whisper quietly in her ear. "I'd fuck you right now if Mark wasn't here."

"I'm sure he'd love to be an audience." She smirks with a slight blush and I gently slap the outside of her thigh.

"Inside, baby." I smirk as she brings her legs in the car for me to shut the door.

With one last long glance up at the hill of my future house, I get in the car and join Victoria.

The whole conversation is revolving around James' 22nd and I have to think to myself if I should just let Victoria go. I'm not exactly the best person to take out to clubs. It's not my scene.

"Maybe you should go by yourself."

"What? Um. No thank you!" She gapes at me and I frown.

"I think it's better that way."

She sighs. "Zayn. I am not going by myself. I want you there and so does James. He likes you!"

"I can't stand drunk people." I roll my eyes and she gives me a look of judgement.

"There's a lot of things you can't stand, but just come and have some fun."

Sighing to myself, I grab her hand and kiss the back of it before facing her again. "Fine. I'll come."

Marks POV

Before last week, I was having the best nights rest. So quiet, and no loud noises of sexual sound or headboard clashing against the wall.

I's like some sex bomb went off in the fucking apartment every five fucking hours.

Victoria and the fucking boss.

I like the two when they're happy and at best spirits, but can they be any fucking louder?!

Some people stay in here too!

If his sister is moving into the apartment this weekend, I'm going to have to give the poor girl some fucking ear plugs before she hears her brother banging her practically, good friend.

I'm lucky I didn't caught the two on the sofa this fucking morning, I was actually thankful for once that they were making noises.

But at night, they need to learn to shut the fuck up.

Maybe starting by having sex in that punishment fucked up room to keep the sounds to a minimum. You can't hear shit when someone is in there and you're out here, watching some tv, that's the only place they have.

"Mark." I hear The boss call for me from the kitchen and I sigh to make my way towards the kitchen.

"Yes sir."

"Change of plans." He coughs and takes the rest of his water down with his antidepressant pill. "Can you get Waliyha. My folks will be leaving soon, Waliyha doesn't want to go so she's moving in tonight."

I raise an eyebrow inwardly. "Yes sir."

"Thank you."

Since he's taken these pills, I've noticed a change in the guy. He is a lot more approachable and definitely calmer than usual. It's strange, but I'm slowly beginning to like the fucker.

Maybe something is wrong with me too?!

Taking the elevator down to the ground floor, I open the Audi SUV door and stroke the steering wheel as I close the door.

Frost bite - Z.M (Book 3, Cold trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now