We all looked to the end and up walked Professor Snape. Bet he was dragged into this. He looks annoyed. 

"He has sportingly agreed to help me do a little demonstration. Now don't worry, you'll still have your potions master when I'm done with him, " Lockhart boasted. 

More like we won't get our D.A.D.A teacher back. I wouldn't mind that though. I bet the only reason Snape agreed to do this was to make Lockhart a laughing stock of the school. I must say, well done Snape. Well done. 

We all watched as they walked up to each other. They put their wands up to their faces and back down. They bowed to each other, then turned around. They walked about five medium size paces then whipped around to face each other. 

"One, two three," Lockhart stated. 

"Expelliarmus!"  exclaimed Snape. A fire like thing came out of the end of his wand and hit Lockhart. Lockhart flew threw the air. He hit the stage, and everyone (except some of the girls) laughed. I gave a thumbs up to Snape, and he smiled at me. 

Lockhart slowly got up, and I could tell he was embarrased. 

"Do you think he's alright?" Hermione asked. 

"No," I placed my hand over my heart, "I think you need to go save him." Hermione turned and glared at me. "Sorry, couldn't help it," I smiled. 

"Great example, Professor," Lockhart started to walk over to Snape, "but I think it's pretty obvious about what you were going to do." 

I turned to Harry. "I think he just can't admit he failed," I whispered. 

Harry laughed. 

"And if I were to stop you," Lockhart continued on, "it would've been to easy." 

"Then perhaps it would have been to prudent to first teach the students how to block unfriendly spells," Snape's monotone made me have no idea what he was saying. All I knew was that he roasted Lockhart pretty well. 

"Excellent suggestion, Professor Snape," Lockhart turned around. "Let's have a volunteer pair. Ah, Potter! Weasley! How about you?" Wait, why not me? Does he not think I'm capable? 

"Weasley's wand has devastation with the simplest spells," Snape piped up. "At the end we'd be sending Mr. Potter to the Hospital Wing in a matchbox. Might I suggest someone from my house: Malfoy, perhaps." 


I felt Hermione elbow me again, so I looked to her. Her eyebrows raised, and her eyes darted from me to behind me. I looked over to where I thought she was looking and it wasn't who I thought it'd be. Higgs was staring at me. I smiled at him, and he smirked. I turned my attention to Draco and Harry. 

"He's still staring at you," Hermione whispered in my ear. 

"Yeah," I whispered back, "but I don't fancy him." 

"Well," She sighed, "he is very cute. " 

"'Mione," I said agitated. 

"Sorry," She apologized. 

I had told her a few days ago that I was going to date anyone until fourth year, maybe later. I just needed to focus on my studies and I wouldn't be able to do that with a guy around. 

We watched as Harry and Draco started to walk away from each other. I took a deep breath, Don't let this get out of hand. 

"On the count of three," Lockhart constructed, "cast your charms to disarm your opponent. Only to disarm. We don't want any accidents." 

Listen to him Draco. 

"One, two-" Lockhart was inturrupted. 

"Everntae Stati!"  Draco casted and Harry went flying through the air. He landed with a loud thump onto the stage. 

I covered my mouth. Who was I supposed to cheer for? My forever bestfriend or my new friend?  I could hear a few Slytherins laughing. I glared at Crabbe, and he backed off. 

Harry, who I could tell was angry, casted, "Recta Spera!" I snapped my head to Draco, who was sent tumbling through the air. Once he hit the stage, some Gryffindors laughed. I was not laughing. I watched as Draco was practicully picked up by Snape and thrown back into the duel. I could tell he was angry and embarrased. Poor Draco. 

"Serpent Sorcia!" Out of the tip of Draco's wand, flew out a snake. Everyone went silent. I was eyeing the snake. I was one of the closest to the snake besides a few Hufflepuffs. 

"Don't worry, Potter. I'll save you," Snape came up to him. 

"No, Professor, I can handle that," Lockhart stepped up. "Volatae ascendera!"  Lockhart casted. I watched as the snake flew into the air then back to the stage. It had gotten mad. Then Harry came up to it and started to say something. I just couldn't make it out. That's when I realized: he was speaking Parseltongue. 

As he got closer the snake turned to a Hufflepuff, who had stepped back a few feet. It hissed at him, "Harry?" I asked. 

He was too focused on the snake to hear me. So I decided to put things in my hand. I walked in front of the boy as the snake tried to get itself closer. Once I got in front of the snake, I started at it in the eyes. I could see anger as it hissed at me. I raised my wand to it, and I could hear a voice go, "How dare you try and hurt me!? How dare you stand in my way?! I was just taking a look." 

My eyes widen, Did I just hear...a thought...from a snake. 

It hissed at me, and I just stared at it. 

Before I knew it, the snake disappeared. Once it dissovled, I blinked at took a deep breath. 

"Bridge?" Hermione whispered. 

I looked up to Harry, "I'm going to the common room," and with that I ran. 

WHAT THE BLOODY CRAP WAS THAT?! Should I tell them? How am I going to tell them? 

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