Missing the Train...

Start from the beginning

"Hey," Ron perked up, "we must be getting close."

"That's sounds a little too close, guys," I say, looking at Harry, then Ron.

They both looked at me then to each other. We all looked back the train was on our butts. The two boys screamed. I didn't; I frantically grabbed the steering wheel and turned it to the right. The car moved to the right, and we were now away from the train. All of us sighed in relief, "Idiots," I muttered.

Then the car didn't stop when I turned it to the right, because Ron kept screaming. Instead, it rolled and rocked, pushing us with the way it went. We rolled for a couple of seconds before Ronald figured out how to gain control of the car.

Then Harry's door flew open. Harry was holding onto it, so he almost died.

"HARRY!" Ron and I both screamed. I reached over trying to grab onto Harry; I missed every time because Ron wasn't watching his driving.

"Pay attention to your driving, Ronald! I got Harry!" I yelled at him. I scooted over as much as I could then got as low as I could. I reached out for Harry and grabbed his hand. I pulled him back in, and Ron had steadied out his driving ability. We closed Harry's door, and all of us sighed.

"I think we found the train," Harry said, out of breath.

"And I think," I said, as I slowed my breathing, "that you guys are going to be the death of me." I pushed up my glasses and leaned back.

"Yeah," Ron let out. And with that, we kept going.

]]] Another Little Time Skip [[[

We finally arrived to Hogwarts, and it had turned nightfall a little while ago. I sighed and giggle as I saw the lights within Hogwarts. "We made it," I said. "We made it alive."

"Welcome home," Ron said. I looked at him, then to Harry; both of whom were smiling. Then the car started to shake and rattle.

I turned to Ron, "Ronald?" I put on my 'seriously mean mom' face.

He turned to me, "I don't know what's going on."

I watched as we flew around Hogwarts. A few times I thought we were going to hit Hogwarts. We flew unsteadily through the air. I was holding onto my seat for dear life. Then I remembered something. "CRAP!" I yelled.

"What?" Harry and Ron yelled out in unison.

"I forgot," I started. "I have to sing tonight."

They both looked at me confused.

"You'll see later," I said, gripping my seat.

The next thing I knew, we were heading for a tree. "Stop! Stop! Stop!" I noticed Ron was hitting his wand against the steering wheel. Then it snapped almost in half. He looked as if he was about to cry.

Then we ran right into the top of the tree. We went back and forth, then back. The car stumbled backwards, and we all started screaming. I think I screamed the most. We landed in the trees branches. The car stopped shaking.

"My wand," Ron held up his broken wand. "Look at my wand."

"Thankfully it's not your neck," Harry said.

I nodded; my eyes wide open and heart racing. I need to get out of this situation...how? There was a growling sound outside. At first, I thought my heart had stopped. We were in the Whomping Willow, aren't we? I laid my head on the dash board. We're dead. Gone. Done for.

As I lifted up my head, the tree started to beat us the car. I put my head down and curled up in the seat; within good timing too. As soon as I did, a branch came through the back wind shield. I screamed as it broke Ron's window. Glass went everywhere. The tree, then, hit the top of the car; putting an indent where my head would've been. Then the car rolled off the tree, and I sat back up. We all sat there for a moment, then Harry did something with the gears and we bolted away from the tree. I was about to cry. I'm going to die.

As we halted to a stop, and the car practically kicked us out. I fell on the ground, and it threw my cat (who was in her carrier) at me. The carrier hit me right in the leg too. I got up and picked up my cat, "Are you okay?"

All she did was stare at me. I saw in her eyes fear and judgement. I set her down, and watched as it threw out our trunks. I looked around. Harry had his owl, and Ron had his rat. The car slammed it's trunk and drove off into the Forbidden Forest. I walked over, grabbed my trunk, and went back over to my cat.

"Dad's gonna kill me," I heard Ron say as he stared at the leaving car.

"You're lucky I don't first," I said, looking up at him. "We all could've died."

We all grabbed our animals and trunks. We got into Hogwarts and set it with the other students stuff. "I'm really sorry," I said to Iris as I walked away.

We were walking up the stairs when Harry said, "So a house elf shows up in my bedroom; we can't get through the barrier; and we almost get killed by a tree," He made it sound almost unbelievable. "Someone clearly doesn't want me here this year."

As we were almost to the Great Hall, I looked up and there was Filch petting his cat. I stood there and stared at him...Crap. We're in trouble, aren't we?

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