Weasleys to the Rescue

Start from the beginning

I sang the rest of the song as if I was going to die. I can be very dramatic when I need to be. I sang the entire song then looked at my cat. I looked into her eyes, and there was curiosity, judgement, and loss of interest.

"What? Don't judge me. It's a good song," I said laughing. Then I heard some ruckus outside. I looked out my window, and a couple were rushing into their car. Vernon looked both angry and sad. He was trying to talk to them. They looked a mess; the lady had this purple and white stuff all over her.

As I watched the car drive off, my first thought was Oh, Harry...

I ran out of the house and over to the Dursley's, "What's going on?" I yelled to them.

"Harry is in trouble. That's what!" He furiously ran into his house.

I ran after him, and into their house, "What do you mean?"

"Get out of our house!" Petunia yelled and pointed to the door.

"Not until I see Harry," I said crossing my arms. They've treated me like dirt since forever. I wasn't going to stand for it anymore.

"Well," Vernon smiled, "he's not going to be seeing anybody for a long time."

I laughed, "You aren't going to stop me from seeing him." And with that I ran back over to my house.

I was going to see Harry, whether they liked it or not.

I had packed my trunk that night. The next morning, I packed up the cat in her carrier. I was going to go to Harry and be there for him. I also wrote a note to Ron, saying this:


I need you to come get us within the next 2 days. Harry got into a bit of trouble somehow, and they won't let me see him. I'm going over there today. Hope to see you soon.


I sent it away, with his owl, late the night when I packed my bags. I grabbed my trunk and walked out the door. The streets were damp from the recent rain, so I hauled my trunk to my neighbors. As I opened the door, I noticed they weren't there to stop me. It was for the beat; I would've had to problem jinxing them to be honest. I opened Harry's new bedroom door, and he snapped his head. He was sitting at his desk.

"Hey Harry," I came in and closed the door. Harry seemed a bit shocked that I was there, but that didn't bother me much. I dragged my trunk over and set it down. Falling onto his bed, I began to fiddle with my wand.

"What are you doing here?!" He asked getting up and sitting on the edge of the bed.

I sighed, "Well, after watching those people leave, I asked them what happened. All they told me was that you weren't going anywhere soon; I wasn't going to let that happen. Now, I'm here."

"You know that they're outside right now, right?" He said worried.

I sat up, "Why?" I got up and walked over to the window. Instead of more houses or a night sky, there were..."BARS!" I screamed. I snapped my attention to Harry, who was rubbing his neck. "Why did they put bars on your bloody window?!"

"Because I wrecked his job thing," Harry said looking down. "I didn't do it on purpose though."

I sighed and closed my eyes. I rubbed my temples. This is just great. JUST. GREAT.

Then the door swung open. All 3 of the Dursleys were standing in the doorway. I looked to them, and their mouths were open so wide. "Get out of our house!" Vernon's face got a light shade of rose. I looked in his eyes, and they were filled with anger and stress.

I calmly walked up to them, and took out my wand. I pointed it in their face, "Shut up and walk away or you two," I motioned to the boys, "will be pigs. And you," I motioned to the aunt, "will be turned into a giraffe."

They all slowly backed away, "We...we can call the po...police."

"Like you would do that," I said rolling my eyes. I closed the door. While walking to his desk, I told Harry, "Thank god Ron is coming."

"Ron's coming?" Harry asked in excitement.

"Yes. I sent him a letter last night. He should've gotten by now," I checked my pocket watch; 11:30 AM. "We still got a little bit of time. So you can tell me how and why this is going on."

He sighed, "It wasn't my fault." Then he proceeded to tell me the story. About how a house elf came while he had to be quiet and told him not to go to Hogwarts. He's also been taking his mail. That explains why Hermione and Ron keep asking me about Harry...

"And they put bars on my window so I can't try and escape," Harry finished up.

I nodded, "You sound crazy, but I believe you. I mean...look what happened last year."
Last year was a mess. But now what are we going to do for 10 more hours...

It was about 9: 15 PM. Harry and I just asked each other questions we never knew or we never asked. It was pretty fun. I figured out that he fancies someone, but he wouldn't tell me. Then we listened to music with my earphones. We also took a picture on my polaroid. I slipped the picture into my trunk. At about 8:15 PM, I told him he should get his stuff ready.

Now we both had our stuff ready to go. It was dark out, so I could barely make out anything. Harry was slowly starting to fall asleep. Come on Ron, where are you?

Then, in the distance, were two lights. As it got closer, I noticed it was a car. RON! I turned to Harry, shaking him away, "Harry!"

He jumped. He looked out the window. We both made our way to the window. In the car were Ron, Fred, and George. Before we knew it, they took off the bars on the window. They pulled the car up, trunk end towards us. I opened up the window. A night breeze blew in, should've brought a coat.

"POTTER!" I could hear the Dursleys from the other room.

My eyes went wide as Harry grabbed his trunk and stuffed it in the trunk. Makes so much sense. I grabbed mine and put it in as well. They turned to where Ron was closest to us.

"Come on Harry, Bridge!" I heard Ron exclaim as I looked at the door. The Dursleys had swung the door open.

"Harry! Go," I said, pushing him towards the window. Vernon walked fiercely towards me, and but I kicked him in the stomach. I watched as he fell to the ground. The other two were standing at the door, terrified. Ha! Serves you right.

"Come on Bridget!" I heard Ron yell. I picked up my cat carrier and gave it to Harry. I turned and saw Vernon standing up. His face red with anger. I crawled up on the desk, trying my hardest to get out before he got closer. I reached out to Harry. Grabbing on to him, my best friends started to pull me into the car. I felt another hand on my left ankle. I looked down; Vernon had a hold of my ankle.

"I'm not done with you, girl," He got through his teeth.

Creep!  "Let got of me, stupid mutt!" I yelled, and kicked him in the face. He let go; I watched him fall backwards holding his nose. I think I broke his nose. I crawled inside the car, and I felt a sense of relief. As Harry and I sat in the back, the boys started to talk to us.

"By the way Harry, Happy Birthday," Ron said.

CRAP! I FORGOT!  "Would it be bad if I said I might have forgotten today was your birthday?" I smiled and turned to Harry.

"It's fine, Bridget. I've gotten like 8 'Happy Birthday's from you. It's okay," Harry said. He turned and smiled at me.

"Okay," I started, "is it just me, or has everybody's voices got deeper?" I asked.

All of them laughed. "Oh Bridget," George said.

"There's a thing called puberty, and that-" Fred was explaining.

"Stop!" I interrupted. "I already know, trust me. And I'm not having the puberty talk with a bunch of boys."

"What are you talking about?" George asked.

"We are men," Fred puffed out his chest.

We all bursted out laughing. God, I love the Weasleys.

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