End of First Year

Começar do início

"I don't hate you, but yes, I am avoiding you," I kept walking. "Because you haven't apologized, or said anything to me at all since Christmas that I can remember," I said keeping a straight face. Why did he care about me not talking to him? Why was he following me? Why was he so bloody charming?

"But I did visit you while you were in the Hospital Wing," He whined. "You were unconscious, but I thought you could hear me. Then, a few hours later, you woke up."

"Well, I don't remember. And you haven't apologized," I told him walking faster.

"Well, I'm sorry, okay? For whatever I did. Whether it was bullying your weird friends, or avoiding you," He said throwing his hands up in the air. "Can we be friends now?"

I stopped and took a deep breath, "What's your address?" I turned to him.

"225 Malfoy Manor, Lewisville, Surrey, England. Why?" He told me.

"I'm going to think about it, then mail you the answer," I said. Then I continued walking. 225 Malfoy Manor, Lewisville, Surrey, England...Surry, England?! He lives closer to me than I thought.

"Wait!" He called out after me. I stopped and saw him come up beside me, "Whenever you mail it, don't put your full name. Just put your initials or first name."

"Why?" I asked.

"My parents. They'll look you up ,or ask me a bunch of questions. They also don't like muggleborns," He said. "I guess I'll see ya later then," Then he ran off.

Why don't they like muggleborns? Wait...was he going behind his parents back to talk to me? Does he....he can't...no. No, he doesn't.

I ran to the Gryffindor common room, and it was empty. The only thing was a dwindling fire and a mess from the others. Hermione, Ron, Dean, and Neville, all seemed to be gone. I shrugged my shoulders and laid down on the couch. This is actually pretty comfortable...and with that I fell asleep. I fell asleep wondering about what the summer will bring. Wondering what would've happened if I wasn't there. Wondering about all the 'what if's.

I was woken up with violent shaking. "Bridge?!" I opened my eyes. Hermione and Ron were staring down at me, their faces lit up with smiles. "BRIDGE!" Hermione fell on top of me; engulfing me in a hug.

"Well hello there," I said hugging back. It was nice to be back in the comfort of my friends.

"Hermione," groaned Ron, "give the poor girl time to get up."

Hermione got off of me. I sat up and stretched; my back popped a few times before Ron gave me a hug. I hugged him back. Well, at least he's alive.

"How long have you been here?" Hermione asked me, siting next to me.

"I don't know," I said, "but you guy's were no where to be seen, or heard."

We all laughed. "Well, we just came back in from the Great Hall," Ron said.

"Wait, so if you're back...then that means-" Hermione was saying.

"Yes," I interrupted. "Harry's back."

The two of them had the brightest smiles. I could tell they were eager to see him again. We all got up and ran to the Hospital Wing. At least I'm feeling alive. We got there, and Harry was sitting up talking to Dumbledore.

"Oh and-uh-Bridget," Ron was stuttering.

"Yes?" I asked.

Ron and Hermione looked to each other, "You were right," They both admitted. At first, I was a little confused...that was until i remembered our previous conversations.

The ProtectorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora