Then the thing started to shake and we heard tapping. Everyone got away from it, but I stayed close and watched. Then the thing burst open, and a small baby dragon walked out. It slipped on a piece of eggshell. HA! ME!

"That's a Norwegian Ridgeback, Hagrid! My brother works with them loads of them in Romainia," Ron explained.

"Isn't he a beauty?" Hagrid sounded as if he was about to cry. "Oh, look. He knows his daddy."

The dragon was facing Hagrid. Awe...the poor little guy. So cute. At least I'm not the only one who appreciates animals.

"Hello...what should I call you? Ah, Norbert," Hagrid said happily.

Awe! He named him! That's sweet.

"Norbert?" Harry asked.

"Well, he needs to have a name, don't he?" Hagrid laughed, and pet Norbert.

"Indeed he does," I replied back.

Then Norbert sneezed and fire came out onto Hagrid. Everyone was thrown back. Hagrid patted his beard, which now had some ashes from his beard in it. "He'll need to be trained, as all dragons do."

I laughed a bit. Then I got a strange feeling. The same feeling I got one the night I came to Hogwarts. Someone is looking at me. I need to look, without looking crazy. I waited a little then glanced to Hagrid's window. Malfoy...He was looking right in on us. Mostly staring at me. Why did he follow us?

I saw Draco's eyes widen and he bolted away. I looked at my friends, and right as I did I heard Harry go, "It was Malfoy..."

I got up and snatched my cloak, "It's been great catching up Hagrid but I think my friends and I need to go." I opened up the door, and ran for it. I could hear Harry, Ron, and Hermione at my heels.

As we approached the entrance to Hogwarts, I was starting to run a little slower. Once we got back up there, McGonagall and Malfoy were standing in the door way waiting for us. Crap!

We were in McGonagall's classroom. Malfoy snitched us out. I was standing with my group while I noticed Malfoy was standing alone.

"Nothing, and I will say it again, nothing gives a student the right to walk about the school grounds at night. Especially when it's passed curfew. As a punishment 50 point will be taken," McGonagall spoke to us.

"50 points?!" Harry looked astonished. She could've taken more...

"From each one of you," She said.

I turned to Malfoy, and he was standing there smirking. What? Does he think he's gonna get out of it?

"And to ensure that this doesn't happen again, all 5 of you now have detention," She said lastly.

She said 5...I looked over to Malfoy and smirked. She. Said. 5.

"Excuse me, Professor, but I think I misheard you. Did you say the 5 of you?" He asked.

I giggled a little bit, and Malfoy glared at me.

"You heard me correct, Mr. Malfoy," She replied. "Even thought your actions were viable, you too were out of bed after curfew hours."

I turned to my friends, all whom were smirking as well. Poor Malfoy thought he got away. He gets to be punished with the rest of us. Poor, poor thing. Wait, he's gonna have detention...with me...

It was a few days after we had got caught, and we had detention. I thought it was absolutely terrible that we had detention out at night. Especially in the Forbidden Forest.

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