It was now almost Christmas. We had been doing research for a couple weeks and still couldn't find anything.

Today people were heading home to go see their family for christmas. Harry and I, at least, weren't going anywhere.

I was walking to the Great Hall when I ran into Draco. Or he ran into me. I passed by him in the halls. Then he ran up to me, "Hey, Meadows," He called after me. I haven't really talked to him since the troll incident...

I sighed, stop, and turn around, "Yes, Malfoy?"

"I would like to wish you a Happy Christmas before I leave," He said.

"Thank you. Happy Christmas," I said, keeping a straight face. I turned around, and started walking. I hated doing that, but he needed to know; I don't like people who bully.

I walked into the Great Hall. Ron and Harry were playing chess. I ran up to themand slid my butt besides Ron, "Whatcha playin'?" I asked.

"This is Wizard-Chess," Ron said, smiling over at me.

"You stayin' for Christmas now?" I asked.

"Yep," He replied.

I glanced over at the entrance of the Great Hall, and Hermione was making her way towards us. I smiled and waved to her. I knew that was leaving. She came up so us as Ron said, "Put my Queen on E5," With a smirk on his face. His queen went over and smashed Harry's piece to bits.

"That's terrible!" Hermione pointed out.

If I were that knight I'd say the same thing.

"No, this is Wizard's Chess," Ron pointed out. He looked Hermione up and down, "You've packed."

"You haven't," Hermione almost sounded disappointed.

Ooo, there's tension...I ship them so hard.

"There's been a change in the plans. Mum and Dad are going to visit my brother Charlie while he's in Romania. He's studying dragons," Ron said in a 'matter-of-fact' tone.

"Good, then you can help Harry and Bridget. They are going to look for information on Nicholas Flamel," Hermione stated.

Oh we are, are we? I never got this information.

"We've looked everywhere. There's no information anywhere about this Nicholas guy," Ron sighed.

"You haven't checked in the restricted section," Hermione said.

"Because it's restricted," I said back. She smirked and walked away. "Have a Happy Christmas, and see you later," I yelled to her.

"I know what she's thinking. And don't be that stupid you two." I told them. And they went on playing Wizard's Chess. And I watched.

I woke up to someone screaming, "Harry! Bridget! Wake up! Wake up!"

I groaned and sat up. I glanced outside and it was snowing. It's Christmas. I reached over and put my glasses on. It's Christmas. I looked over at the cardboard box. I still hadn't opened it yet. It's been 4 months since I got it. I guess I've just been busy.

A knock disturbed me from my thoughts, "Bridget!" I heard Harry call.

"On my way!" I yelled back. I hopped out of bed, and grabbed the box. This is my Christmas present. I went over and opened the door.

Harry and Ron were there. "Happy Christmas!" They both said.

I smiled, "Happy Christmas!" I told them. "Here, let's go downstairs. Then I can give you guys a hug."

We headed downstairs, and sat down on the couch, which just so happened to be in front of the Christmas tree. Under there were a few presents. I stared at the presents. Bet none are for me.

"Guess what, Bridge?" Ron had some up with that nickname just last month.

I looked at him, "What?"

"My mom made you a sweater too," He gestured to his sweater. "She made one for Harry as well." Mrs. Weasley was the sweetest person in the world to me. She was like the mother I never had. I would occasionally send me letters, and I would always send her something back.

"Awe, that's sweet," I told him. The sweater Ron had on just had an R.

We opened the presents. Turned out I did get presents. I got: the sweater from Mrs. Weasley, a Walkman with headphones from the entire Gryffindor house (which only half of them knew what it was), a few mixtapes from other fellow Gryffindors, a few books from Dumbledore, a book about Animagus from McGonagall, and a Poleroid with film and ink from an unknown person. I loved my gifts.

Harry got: an invisibility cloak from an unknown person, sweater from Mrs. Weasley, a few books from me and Hermione about certain things I thought he would be excited to learn about (that I got on short notice), and some weird treats from Fred and George.

"I wouldn't eat those yet," I whispered into Harry's ear. He laughed.

Ron got: a sweater (obviously) from his mother, a few books from me and Hermione (even though he didn't want them), and some other weird treats from his brothers.

"Bridget?" Ron asked. "What's in the box?"

"I don't exactly know," I told him. "Let's look." Well part of that was a lie, but it wasn't that big of a lie.

I picked up the box, which was on the ground next to me, and set it on my lap. I opened it, and started to take things out. First the varsity jackets first. One was a Gryffindor; the other was a Ravenclaw. Each with my grandparents last names and Quidditch numbers on the back. My grandfather had number 15; my grandmother had number 17.

I'll be 16. That was I can be in between them, I thought. I smiled to myself as I set them next to me. The boys grabbed them and started to look at them. I giggled.

Then I pulled out the books. There were about 7. One was a family tree one. I opened it first. As we were going through it, I noticed something. Magic has been in my family's blood since forever. And just like that, poof, gone.

"Bridget!" Ron exclaimed. "You're related to Sirius Black!"

"Sirius Black?" I asked.

"Never mind, I'll tell ya later."

Ok? I continued to look and it was pretty neat.

I set it aside and looked at the next one: Tales of Beetle the Bard. Hm...sounds interesting.

There were more: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them ; Quidditch Through the Centuries ; Herbology In The Making ; Healing of Magic ; and Hereditary Superpowers.

"Hereditary Superpowers?" Harry and Ron read aloud.

"I'll tell you later," I said, and placed them all back in. I took out the last item in there: the photo album. I flipped through it real quick, that way I wouldn't cry in front of my friends. I placed it back in the box, as well as the varsity jackets. I placed every present I got in there as well. "I'll meet you guys in the Great Hall after I put this stuff up, ok?"

"Sure," Harry and Ron said.

"Then we can discuss this whole Nicholas Flamel thing," I said and trotted upstairs. Today was a free day, so everybody could do whatever they wished as long as it still applied to school rules.

I put the box beside my bed, and looked at my cat, "Everything is going to be okay, Iris. Happy Christmas." I skipped out of the empty dormitory and empty common room.

Everything is going to be okay.

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