She glanced up at me, "Yes, Ms. Meadows?"

"I was wondering if you could tell me where Professor Dumbledore's Office is," I told her.

She got up and handed me a piece of paper. I looked at it, and it was a map of the school. "This should help."

"Thank you Professor," I said and ran out of her classroom. I went the way it showed me. I ended up at a Gryffin statue. I walked up to it, "Lemon drops."

It started to move and stair came out of it. I got on the stairs and it took me upwards. I love magic. It took me up to this door. As soon as I got off, it started to descend down. I knocked on the door. I wonder what he needed to see me for...

Snape came out of the door, and glared at me. I didn't nessessarily like him but you know, I didn't hate him either. I raised an eyebrow. He glided past me, leaving the door open, and the staircase came back up. Why was Snape talking to Dumbledore?

"Come on in, Ms. Meadows," I heard Dumbledore's voice echo through his office. I went in and Dumbledore was standing on his stairs. On one of the walls where he was standing were books on books. I loved books. They were my favorite thing in the world. I gazed in amazement.

"You like the books?" Dumbledore chuckled. "Yes, they are the best. Come child. We need to have a conversation."

I walked up to his desk, and he gestured to a chair behind me. I sat down and scooted as far up as I could to his desk. I LOVE his office!

"I first wanted to say congratulations on making the Gryffindor Quidditch team. I knew you had it in you."

I smiled, "Thank you, sir." I didn't know I did. I barely knew I was a witch. I'm still trying to get over the fact that this is not a dream.

"Now, let's get to the important stuff. I'm sorry that your mother never told you about your grandparents. They were great friends of mine. Your grandmother, Eleanor Jackson, was one of the best witches in my class. She was a great Chaser, and had Ravenclaw win almost everytime. She was an animagi too. An animagi is where you can transform into an animal of your choice when you choose. You will learn it later. I would recommend your third year. But her animagus was a Siamese cat. Everyone was friends with her, but her and Minerva were the best of friends. Talk to McGonagall about that your third year. She'll help you.

"Your grandfather, Matthew Fletcher, was a sly one. He was the funny one. Always getting into trouble for going off and doing something he wasn't supposed. He was an animagus as well. He turned into a Golden Retriever. He was a Keeper in Quidditch. He was great for the Gryffindor team. He'd always let Eleanor make at least one free shot. He was a trickster, your grandfather. Stupid too," Dumbledore chuckled.

I smiled and laughed.

"You look a lot like your grandfather, but act a lot like your grandmother," He told me smiling.

I lifted my glasses, "I have a question."

"I figured you'd have a few," He replied.

I took a deep breath, "How come my mother didn't get accepted to Hogwarts?"

He glanced down at his fingers, then looked at me dead in the face. I saw his blue eyes; they showed: pity, sympathy, sorrow, and passion. "Luckily, she wasn't born with any magical properties. By the time she was eleven...she couldn't be accepted. She became a squib; rather than have her get bullied at Hogwarts, your grandparents decided to keep her home. Raise her like a muggle."

"Why did you say 'luckily'?" I asked. My heart started to race. Why was it lucky to not have magical properties?

"We believed that your mother would've became a part of Voldemort's army...we knew that she would've became a death eater," He said.

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