First day; First Classes

Start from the beginning

It was just the beginning of class. Professor McGonagall had just put up some notes we had to take. She had transformed into a cat, and was sitting on her desk. It had also gotten really quiet because of the notes. She was the same cat I saw sitting on the desk when we first came in.

I heard the doors in the back creak  as they were being opened. I heard feet run into class. When I turned, Harry and Ron were running up the rows. I rolled my eyes and smiled. What a great first impression.  I saw, out of the corner of my eye, Hermione shaking her head. I chuckled on the inside.

"We...finally made it," I heard Ron say. "Could you imagine McGonagall's face if she had known we were late?"

She jumped off the desk and transformed into herself again. I started to take my notes again. Idiots. 

"That was wicked!" I heard Ron say in amazement.

I set down my quill and put my face in my hands. Don't laugh Bridget, don't laugh.

"Thank you, Mr. Weasley. But maybe I should transfigure Harry Potter or yourself into a pocket watch. Maybe then one of you might be on time."

"Sorry, Professor. We got lost. The castle's too big and there are-," Harry piped up.

"Then a map might be able to do," I let out a little air after that one, and picked up my quill. I started to write again. "You shouldn't need one in order to find your seats."

I let out a giggle, and Hermione elbowed me in the ribs. "What? She's got good comebacks," I whispered.

I heard Harry and Ron behind us sit down. Great way to start a first day guys. Great way.

We had all gathered in to potions. Most of our classes were with a lot of Slytherins. I never knew why. I didn't hate having Draco in my classes, but he was getting rude. I decided to sit on the left of Harry while Hermione sat on the right.

It was pretty dark in the Potions Class room. It was also cold from being in the Dungeons. I didn't like it that much. I glanced around the room, and people were talking. My eye caught Draco's eye as he was talking to one of his friends. I squinted my eyes and turned away.

The door opened and Professor Snape strolled in, "There will be no foolishness in my class. I won't tolerate nonsense," His voice was very monotone. I thought, He doesn't seem fun. 

"Being children, I don't expect you all to understand..." Then I stopped paying attention. I was looking around at all the viles and glass bottles. I wonder what kind of potions there are.

I glanced over at Harry who was writing down what Snape was saying. At least he was paying attention.

"Not paying attention," He got louder with every word. I snapped my head and eyes to him. He found out I wasn't paying attention, I thought. I noticed it wasn't just me that he was staring at.

I nudged Harry with my elbow, and he glanced up. Snape glided over to the front of the class where we were. At first I thought my breathing stopped.

"Mr. Potter. Celebrity of your class," Snape kept pausing. Why doesn't he just get to...the...point. "If you're so great, what would I get if I added a crushed root of asphodel with an blend of wormwood and fairy wing."

I glanced over and saw Hermione's hand go up. Harry just shook his head, "I don't know, Professor."

"Okay, what about you? Ms. Meadows, where would you look if I asked you to find me a beasil?" He asked me.

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