Chapter Fourty-Eight

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A/N- I know it's been over a month and I am so so sorry. I've been in the worst writer's block I've had in years and I haven't been able to write at all. Just to write this chapter, I had to force myself to work on it. I haven't been writing anything or working on any other stories at all. I just want to say sorry one more time. please forgive me and enjoy the chapter. (I hope this Hellsing Abridged meme will help some.)
-Taryn [T_T]

Ethan's POV

I was terrified. Tyler and Thomas doing my makeup? Oh, I was beyond terrified. I was in a petrified state of horror. I had already made peace with God and told Winter I love her. This is it. This is the day I die.

Unfortunately, the other four are just laughing at how scared I am. Thomas I'm not as worried about, but Tyler Oakley doing my makeup is scary as fuck. I try to calm myself, to almost no avail, and sit still in the chair I've been placed in. I watch as Winter turns on her camera and introduces everyone with her before giving the three boys free reign of her inordinately extensive supply of makeup.

Of course since Ben knows what he's doing, he grabs the foundations and primers. Tyler and Thomas go for the eyeshadow and brow filler.

"Hey, my eyebrows are fine! I don't need you to fill them in!" I exclaim.

"Shut up, Ethan." Tyler retorts blankly as the two pick out the color pallet they're going to use. Ben and Winter laugh as they watch the two attempting -and failing- to figure out how the things work. Ben easily finishes the primer and foundation on Winter before Tyler and Thomas are even done with the eyeshadow that I am pretty sure they made neon pink with neon green. I groan in exasperation, my lithe body sinking into the seat slowly in an attempt to get away.

"Ethan, if you keep trying to get away, I will not hesitate to sit on you." Thomas threatens. So I sit up and sit still. I look over to Winter and mouth,

'Help me, please!' She just laughs and shakes her head, letting Ben finish her blush and brows. She looks flawless, no doubt about that, but I still think she looks her absolute best with no makeup on. Her natural beauty is all that really matters. She looks beautiful no matter what.

I'm shaken from my thoughts by a stick of pencil eyeliner coming uncomfortably close to my eye and I got startle. My gaze snapped back to Tyler who was coming towards me and telling me to close my eyes. I did as I was told and closed my eyes immediately, too afraid of what might happen if I kept them open.

They spend an inordinate amount of time on the eyeliner and put on so much that my eyelids physically feel heavy. With a groan, I open my eyes and await my next torture. I glance over to Winter again, seeing her eyeliner in skilled as perfect wings, her eyeshadow done in sunset tones. I was jealous, but she looked beautiful so it doesn't matter.

Thomas finally grabs some powder foundation and applies it heavily to my forehead, cheeks, nose and chin, all the while pretending to be doing a makeup tutorial. After that, Tyler adds big circles of pink blush on my cheeks and attempts to do contouring. It just looks like brown lines on my cheeks. It's scary.

They put a thin layer of mascara on me, that wasn't as bad as the rest, then they chose some deep purple lipstick to add and I can physically see Ben and Winter cringing. The neon eyeshadows clashed horribly with the dark lipstick. It as terrifying.

Winter had on a rusty red lipstick and fake freckles. It was a perfect look for her. Innocent, yet fierce. Just like the girl I fell in love with, the girl I am in love with and the girl I always will be in love with.

"Snap out of it!" Ben laughs as he snaps his fingers a couple of times in front of my face. I just then realize that I was staring and I blush as I look away. "You're so cute, Ethan. If you weren't taken, I might go after you myself." I laugh at his comment and shake my head.

"And as attractive and fabulous as you are, I would unfortunately have to decline that offer." I respond politely, but with a joking overtone.

Ben pouts dramatically and responds with, "Oh, if only I could have you all to myself." He jokes back before we all start laughing. Ben skillfully finishes Winter's makeup and it takes probably another three minutes before Tyler and Thomas are done with me.

"I don't even want to look in the mirror." I laugh out.

"Oh come on, we didn't do that bad!" Tyler exclaims. I glare playfully before looking in the handheld mirror that Winter gave me. I gasp and almost choke as I look at my face. "What the fuck happened!? It looks like a nuclear bomb wet off on my face!" I yell. The other four burst into laughter at this, apparently finding this extremely funny. "No, seriously, did you two even try!?" I ask Tyler and Thomas.

"Of course we did!" Thomas exclaims.

Oh gosh. This is terrifying. I look like a monster.

My eyebrows are black blocks, my skin is covered in a thick layer of cream and powder that is barely my skin tone, there's big dark brown lines across my cheeks, giant circles of bright pink blush on the center of my cheekbones, neon green eyeshadow that goes up to my eyebrows, neon pink eyeshadow that covers my lid, extremely thick black liner and dark purple lipstick that was way over my lips.

Yep. I've become a monster. Help.

"It's not so bad, Ethan!" Winter protests.

"Not so bad!? You look like a model, I look like ten year old girls did my makeup!" I retort.

"Um, we're eleven. I'm sorry, did you just assume our age?" Thomas scoffs in a valley girl accent. I roll my eyes with a soft laugh. Winter does her outro and we turn the camera off.

"Welp, now to attempt cleanse my face of this horrifying mess." I joke with the other four.

"Oh hush you." Winter waves me off.

"Anyways, we have to go. We'll keep in touch, love you both!" Ben exclaims as he hugs us. Then Thomas hugs us and then Tyler before the three boys leave. Winter sighs lightly as giggles.

"Come on, let's go get you cleaned up." She whispers, holding out her hand for me. I take it and she leads me up the stairs to our room.

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