Chapter Two

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Winter's POV

I get off the plane with a jolt of energy and begin to film again. "Hello LA, did you miss me!?" I yell with a laugh. As soon as I do two or three people from all directions flood my way! "Hey guys, what's up!?" I smile at my fans.

"We love you, Winter!" Someone shouts.

"I love you guys too! This is the energy we need to have back in Portland, guys!" I laugh and they all start to take selfies with me and ask for autographs. I sign as many as possible and get as many pictures taken as possible before leaving the airport and hailing a cab, my camera still rolling.

"Where to, miss?" The man asks.

(this is made up, I have no idea where he lives) "1659 North Elm street," I state. "Shit," I curse.

"What is it?" The guy asks as he pulls away.

"I'm a YouTuber and I'm currently recording and I just said a super famous YouTuber's home address." I laugh. He laughs as well.

"You can always edit it out." He suggests.

"I'm going to have to or else Mark will kill me when fans start showing up at his doorstep!" I smile.

"So what brings you to LA?" He asks as I turn my camera off.

"There's an Expo going on for YouTubers like myself next Saturday. If I had any tickets I'd give you one, but I just got the news myself today." I shrug.

"And is that your job? Like what you do for a living?" He inquires.

"Yeah, it is. Do you watch?" I reply.

"Not as often as I used to, but I do. I don't think I've seen you before. What's your channel name?" Yes, more subs for me!

"It's Winteresque, weird I know, but it spread quickly and most people can guess at how to spell it. My name is Winter, Winter Soul." I smile.

"Nice to meet you Winter, I'm Harold." The man looks to be in his late thirties, maybe early forties and has short brown hair. You can see the few age lines on his face, but he seems to be the kind of guy you would see in an anime who's all calm and docile until something bad happens and then he rushes to save the day.

"Great to meet you, too." We continue our small talk and before I know it we're pulled up on the curb outside Mark's house. "Well, that'll be $26.50." Harold smile. I hand him a fifty dollar bill with a wide smile and a wink.

"Keep the change." I grab my bags and wave him off as he pulls away. I haul my stuff up the steps and hit the call button outside his gate.

"Which one is it?" I hear Mark ask as Chica barks in the front yard and sticks her snout through the bars of the gate.

"Let me in, dumb ass." I roll my eyes.

"Hey, Winter! Come on in!" He buzzes the gate and I turn on my camera, walking in and hugging all over Chica.

"Hello Chica, I missed you girl! Yes I did! Oh my little Chica, did you miss me?" She barks and licks my cheek. "Aww, baby girl! You're so sweet!" I laugh as I stand back up. "So I just got to Mark's place and I'm currently in his front yard." I adjust the sunglasses on my face and fix my brown hair. Chica jumps up on me and knocks me over. "Oh shit!" I scream as Mark walks outside. I somehow managed to keep a hold of my camera and film as Chica licks my face.

"Chica, be respectful." She trots over to Mark and sits on the steps panting. I wipe my face and turn my camera off again and check for damage. Luckily, none was done. I set my camera on top of my suitcase and Mark helps me up.

"Mark, it's so good to see you again!" I sigh as I embrace him.

"Great to see you too!" He laughs as he hugs me back. "How was your flight?"

"Too long, I couldn't wait to be back in LA and see all you guys again." I reply with a smile. We pull away and he helps me pull my bags inside.

"Gosh, do you have bricks in your backpack!?" He laughs as we step inside and drop my bags in the living room.

"I might as well have bricks in there. I brought eeeeeverything." I smile. We talk for a few minutes before we hear a knock at the door and I give Mark a questioning look.

"A few trusted friends have the code. It must be the guys." I nod and he answers the door letting four men in. I recognize them all immediately as the people who helped me to get my YouTube career started.

Ethan's POV

Mark lets us in and we all say hi to him giving him high-fives and in Jack's case a hug. I seriously ship it. We walk in to see a girl with slightly messy brown hair in a black beanie, red pants and a My Chemical Romance t-shirt. She smiles at us and makes eye contact with me for a moment, smiling wider. I blush a little and look down momentarily before looking back up to see her blushing as well.

"Everyone, this is Winter. Winter, this is..." He pauses, thinking. "Everyone!" He chuckles.

"Hey, it's so nice to meet you guys!" She smiles as she shakes our hands. First Jay's, then Felix's, then Jack's and finally she gets to me. Her hand is soft and warm in mine and I can feel her shaking a bit in nervousness.

"It's great to meet you, we've been anticipating your arrival." Jack smiles his charming smile and she blushes a little. I can't help but to let out a small chuckle at how cute she is. "So of course you know me, this is Jay from the Kubz Scouts, then of course Felix is a given, and then Ethan from CrankGameplays."

"Yeah, I watch your channel a lot." She smiles over at me. "I'm proud part of the Cranky Crew." We let out a synchronized chuckle.

"Glad to see someone likes my videos." She blushes some and looks down, pushing her hair from her face. If I didn't see her shaking I'd say that she's pretty confident.

"Sorry, I've been watching your videos ever since you started your first channel." She lets out a small laugh and blushes an even deeper pink. I feel my phone buzz and I pick it up to look at the text.

Markimooper- She has a thing for you. Why don't you show her around?

I smile and put my phone back in my pocket. "Hey, how about I give you a tour?"

When Winter Came (CrankGamepays Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now