Chapter Thirty-Two

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Ethan's POV

So, in everyone else's mind, you probably think we ended up sleeping together. That's far from the case. After a while, we both got out, dried off, got dressed and went back downstairs. Winter had some prerecorded gameplay that she edited and uploaded. By the time she was done, it was time for dinner.

That's when her phone rang. It was right next to me so she told me to go ahead an pick it up.

"Hello?" I ask as I pick up.

"Hey, uh, is Winter there?" The boy on the other line asks. He sounded about our age if not maybe a bit older.

"Maybe. Who's asking?"

"A good friend of hers. I was getting worried because she hasn't texted me back recently. Can I talk to her?"

"Gimme a second." I reply before walking over to Winter. "Some guy, says he's a friend." I shrug. She takes the phone and begins to speak. Of course I can't hear what he's saying, but I can hear her half.

"Hello?.... K-Kyle!?.... How did you even get my number!?..... No..... Wait, what?..... No..... You're kidding, right?..... That's a lie and you know it!..... That's enough, Kyle! It's over, get over it. I will never love you ever again....... Oh just shut up, there's no way I could love you after what you did to me...... No, it wasn't a long time ago, it was like last year!..... Stop..... No..... Yes..... I don't love you..... I said I don't!..... Kyle, I don't care! don't call me ever again!" And with that, she hangs up. Her breathing is heavy and seems pissed off.

"Do you wanna talk abo-"

"I'm going for a walk. Don't follow me." Winter stands, grabs her jacket and leaves before I can even do anything. She obviously needed some time alone, so I let her. I give a sigh sit down at the counter, pulling out my phone and texting a couple of people as I wait for her to return.

Winter's POV

I slam the door shut behind me, pulling my jacket on and glaring down at my feet. I begin to grumble incoherent insults at no one and anyone passing by probably thought I was crazy. I didn't care though. I just need some time away. I walk towards the beach, the first place Ethan took me, and then to the old pier from there. I bend down and slip under the wooden beams, entering the open space. With a sigh, I sit on the soft sand, not knowing what else to do.

Kyle is someone that I'm not very find of at all. He's a jerk. A condescending, narcissistic, dick basket and I hate him. I hate everything about him. At least now I do.

Last year, I was so desperately in love with the guy that I would have jumped off a cliff if he had asked me to. He always seemed so kind and sweet, and got the most part he was. I was so shocked when he wanted to date me. It was what I thought true love was.....

Until he did something worse than hit me, cheat on me or leave me.

He had a habit of name calling. But it wasn't just stupid, ugly, fat. It was that and worse.

"Whore, you don't deserve to live. Filthy slut, the world would be better if you just killed yourself."

This made my life so miserable and I felt like I had no control over it anymore. So I did the one thing I knew I could control... My own physical pain.

I would cut, hit an burn myself. I would slam my was against the wall, I would dig my nails into my skin, I would take showers in boiling water, just so that I could feel the one thing I knew was real. Just so that I could take control of one thing in my life.

The saying, "Hindsight is 20/20." Is more than a little true. Looking back, every decision I made was stupid. All of it was. I see that now.

But I was too in love to even notice that I was falling apart. Or at least I thought I was in love.

I know now that love isn't like that... Love is what Ethan and I have. It's what we share, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

I stare out at the water with a deep sigh. "Kyle, you're a dick. I hope I never see you again." I murmur to myself.

"What was that?"

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