Chapter Thirteen

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Ethan's POV

"Oh shit," I mutter as I look to Winter. We're silent for a moment. "OH SHIT!" Screaming, I grab her hand and we begin to run. Out of the house, down the street and into the heart of LA.

"Fuck, fuck, FUCK!" She screams, pulling me towards a group of people beaconing me.

"They just got released! Quick, that way!" One shouts, pointing down an alley to our right that branches off. We run down it, taking a left through the narrow space and then a right. We come to a four way intersection and pause.

"Shit, which way!?" I pant.

"Guys!" We hear a boy shout. "Up here!" We look up to see a boy on a roof. There's a ladder next to us and we quickly take ahold of it, ascending as fast as possible. "Shh! Get away from the edge!" He whispers, pulling us back.

"Where'd they go?" We hear Mark ask from below. Damn, he's fast.

"I don't know," I hear Jay breathe. "Shit, I'm not made for this! Felix is!"

"Yeah, but he has other things to do." Mark replies. The boy approaches the ledge,

"They went that way!" He calls, pointing to the right.

"Thanks!" Mark calls back before they run off again.

"Quick, my friends found their flag. You'll know it when you see it. It's at the corner of 23rd and Main." He whispers.

"Thanks!" We both chorus before sliding down the ladder and tuning to the left.

"Fuck, what if they find us?" I ask.

"Then we run like hell." Winter smiles. I take her hand again and we bolt out of the alley and start heading towards twenty-third.

"MARK, JAY, THEY'RE OVER THERE!" A girl yells as she points to us.

"FuuuuUUUUUCK!" Winter screams as she pulls me down a back road.

"Do you know where you're going?" I ask.

"Nope, shut up and run." And so we do. Down the street and to the left talked us back out on tenth and main.

"This way," I tug her along. I hear fans cheering us on as we run like hell down main like we're Olympic champions. Twelfth, fifteenth, seventeenth. "Almost there." Twenty finally passes us and then I'm tackled to the ground by Mark who grabs one of my flags. "Shit!" I yell.

"Come on!" Winter grabs my hand and pulls me up, adrenaline now coursing through our veins. I laugh and run faster than I've run before, Winter at my side. "Almost to twenty-third!" She smiles. And then we're there.

"Where is it?" I ask as we look frantically. Then all of a sudden, I see Winter pulled to the ground as Jay takes two of her flags.

"FuuuUUUCK!" She screams as she pushes him off. "Get the flag!" She points to the top of a streetlight. Attached is a box with a pink mustache hanging from it.

"I'm not tall enough!" I reply. Fans gather around, cheering us on and videoing as Winter nimbly distracts Jay. I look around and out of no where, Mark darts towards me. "Shit fucking dammit!" Without even thinking, I grab a crate from outside the store next to me to help boost me up. Then I jump. How I actually was able to climb on top of the street light, I have no idea, but it's like in those movies where the kid wants to do climb it and then gets stuck up there. I break the yarn with my teeth and watch as Jay follows Winter away from their base.

"Get to base!" She yells before ducking into an alley, Jay following. Mark stands below me, panting and smiling as I put Tiny Box Tim in my back pocket.

"You can't win, Ethan! Give up now." He smiles. I hope my years of gymnastics are still with me. I grab the bar below me and swing myself around it, doing a flip and landing expertly. There's cheers and applause before someone yells,

"RUN ETHAN, MARK'S RIGHT THERE!" So I do. I run as fast as I can, determined to win.

Twenty, eighteen, sixteen.

The street signs pass. I run a little faster as Mark yells at me, close on my heels.

Fifteen, thirteen, ten.

I'm so close. Winter joins me by my side and smiles at me as we link hands again.

Eight, seven, six.

We make it to sixth, now we meet to find the coffee shop. We pause, Mark and Jay a little farther behind us.

"Where is it?" She asks.

"Over here, guys!" We hear fans screaming. We begin to run and just as we do, Mark reaches for Winter's last flag. It seems to go in slow motion. He reaches, his fingers just grazing the neon orange flag, but he doesn't get it.

Mark falls to the ground, Jay still in pursuit of us.

We approach the screaming crowd and the part, one opening the door for us. Rushing in, I take the box out of my pocket and slam it on the designated table in the center of the room.

The crowd goes wild!

Winter and I both laugh, jumping up and down. I hug her and place a quick kiss on her lips. The room goes silent, every camera and eye just documenting that. Winter only smiles before pressing her lips to mine again before pulling back and raising my hand high. The crowd cheers again.

"Congrats guys, except you were only supposed to kiss if you lost!" Mark laughs.

"I know," Winter smiles with a wink. "Now you and Jack have to kiss too!" Jack comes out of the back room, his bright green hair messy and a smile on his face.

"Afternoon, Mark." I giggle at his accent and the knowing look he has.

"Jack, really. You don't have to do this. I'm all sweaty and-"

"Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss!" Every chants together, every camera at the ready.Mark sighs and takes off his equipment before walking over to Jack. I'm just close enough to hear him whisper,

"They'll know." To Jack.

"I don't care, Mark." Jack smiles and whispers back. Mark grins and wraps his arms around Jack's waist. Jack hangs his hands over Mark's shoulders, his fingers tangling into the man's brown hair. And then they kiss, cheers erupting from everyone. This kiss didn't just last a second, it was long and passionate.

They pull away, both blushing and smiling like madmen.

"I love you," Mark chuckles.

"I love you too." Jack replies.

"Wait, does this mean you two are together?" A boy asks. "Is Septiplier real?"

"Yeah, we are together. For real." Mark smiles at him. And they kiss again. It's too cute!


Did you ever think about the fact that we are amazing creatures. Intelligent, funny, amazing people... And we walk around in perpetually rotting meat suits.

You're welcome for that funness.

-Taryn :)

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