Chapter Twenty-Five

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A/N- Me on the side.😋
-Taryn (^w^)
Winter's POV

I wake up to an empty bed and cold sheets hanging loosely around my legs. I slowly sit up and yawn. Just as I do, Ethan walks in with a plate full of food and some water. "Morning, Winter." He gives a cheery smile.

"Morning, Ethan." I reply groggily. He laughs some and shakes his head at me.

"Did you just wake up?" He asks as he hands me the plate. I take it with an innocent smile. "Winter!" Ethan exclaims in a teasing manner. "I can't believe you would do such a thing!" He fakes hurt and shock. "I've been betrayed!" He dramatically falls over. I roll my eyes and begin to eat, my eyes immediately brightening.

"Man this is good food, Ethan!" I exclaim. He laughs in response and shakes his head as he begins to eat as well.

"I know, I'm a great cook." Ethan smiles cheekily at me. I roll my eyes again.

"Prick." I mutter. Ethan only laughs and continues to eat. I reach over and pick up the remote. I turn on the TV and begin to flip through the channels until I find a rerun of Jeopardy. I let out a cheer and the two of us begin to watch.

Something not many people know about me is that I'm extremely intelligent. I have a PHD in psychology, a masters degree in music theory and history and a bachelors degree in art. Throughout my entire life, I have never gotten any grade less than a B and all through high school I had straight As. And I'm only twenty!

I think that Ethan was just as surprised about this as anyone because I answered the questions before they were finished. I look to Ethan to see his jaw dropped and his eyes wide.

"What!?" I ask with a laugh.

"How the hell are you so smart!?" He exclaims. I laugh more.

"Did you think I was stupid or something!?" I reply.

"No, I just don't get how you're so smart!" He states as he sets his plate down. "Spill, did you lie about only being twenty?" I laugh harder than before and shake my head.

"No, I didn't." I smile. "I skipped three grades because both of my parents are extremely educated. When I was nine I was doing complicated algebraic problems easily. I skipped fifth, sixth and seventh grade. Our eighth grade was in the high school, so I was the youngest there, but after a few days I got bored because I already knew all the material.

I asked the teacher for the work book and in five days, three hundred pages of math work was done. I did the same with all of my other classes and in two months, I had finished my entire school year. Of course they wouldn't let me just stay out of school the entire year, so as a ten year old in high school, they gave me a choice; sit in my classes and help others or go to other classes and learn and do work there.

Of course I chose the latter. I took calculus, advanced placement English that was only offered for seniors, bio med, advanced placement chemistry, advanced placement world history and art. Art was my favorite, our teacher was the coolest guy ever. As for the other five, I finished them no problem in five months. Then I had two more months to do the classes or help seniors with their math.

Again I chose the former. By the end of the year I had half of my college credits already. People were so impressed that they called me a savant. I never accepted that term of course. By the time I was thirteen, I was graduating high school as Valedictorian and the top of my class. My parents were so proud of me!

Both of my parents were professors at a university. I immediately told them I wanted to go to college and I got in for free. I graduated with two bachelors degree my first year. I got all my credits and did all of the projects faster than the professors could grade them.

I went straight back the next year to get my masters in both of those subjects and another bachelors degree. That took me another year. So by now I'm fifteen and I still don't have any friends because I'm literally the youngest person in this Ivy League university. The only thing I have to do with my life is school.

So I go back another two years and do the same as I had my entire life. I graduate early with a PHD and the moment I turned eighteen I decided that I wanted my last degree to be in my favorite thing ever; art! I graduate in that one year with a portfolio of over two hundred pieces of art and an extremely impressive résumé.

But I didn't want to have a job. I didn't want to work a nine-to-five like everyone else. I wanted to make videos and music and art! So that's what I did. And here I am one year later telling you all this!" I finish with a giggle. I bet he won't believe me. I wouldn't believe me either if it hadn't actually happened to me. His jaw is basically on the floor.

"NO FUCKING WAY!" He screams. I laugh and nod. "What degrees do you have!?" He asks.

"PHD in psychology, masters in history and music theory and a bachelors in art." I grin back.

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me." He states in awe. I shake my head and pull out my phone, going to my photos and finding the picture of eighteen year old me with all of my degrees on the steps of my college. I show it to him and he runs a hand though his hair as he struggled to comprehend the information I gave him.

"So you're a super human!" He yells. "You must be able to find the cure for cancer, why aren't you doing that!?"

"I did help with some research on it, but medical isn't exactly my field. I did find that some enzymes in llamas have properties that do kill cancer though. The team I was working with is still trying to figure out how to isolate those enzymes ad administer them to patients in a large enough quantity to cure them." I explain. He goes speechless.

"WHY DID I NOT KNOW THIS!?" He screams. I laugh again.

"Mark knew, I guess he just didn't want you to feel intimidated and he didn't tell you." I shrug.

"I just can't believe you would waste your talent and intelligence on making YouTube videos for a living." Ethan shakes his head at me.

"I'm not! I do TED Talks and teach classes and seminars occasionally. I've been invited to work with teams of the best scientists on earth and we got a lot of work done. I'm not wasting my talent, I'm just doing what I want to." I smile.

"Damn, now I feel like an idiot. What's your IQ?" He inquires.

"167," I reply with a shrug.


"Stop screaming!" I tell back.

"My IQ is only 137," He pouts.

"That's genius level too." I point out.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I'm smart like you!" He pouts.

"You actually are pretty smart. Your problem solving skills have easily surpassed most. I'm impressed." I smile.

"R-really!?" His eyes light up.

"Of course, Ethan!" I laugh. "Now shut up about it, I don't tell many people for this reason exactly." I state as I continue to eat my breakfast. Ethan smiles at me in awe and admiration, but stops at my request. I smile softly. I'm glad that he didn't freak out like most people to. Well, they freak out more than he did!

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