instagram captions #3

Start from the beginning

*Picture of PK smiling and holding the girls on his chest*
- Cuddling with my girls. They look so different and are both so beautiful. Blakelyn has light brown hair, while Paisley is a blondie like John. I feel good, pain medicine is wonderful. Thank you guys for all the love! 💖

*Picture of John with Paisley and Blakelyn*
- John was really excited to meet his baby sisters! He has fallen in love with them! 😍

*Picture Of Mike holding the two pink car seats. Blakelyn and Paisley are fast asleep*
- We are going home! I can't wait to lay in my bed and relax with my hubby, big boy and my baby girls!

*Picture of Mike feeding Paisley and PK feeling Blakelyn*
- Let the baby feedings begin! John took this picture, which is way clearer then any picture I take! 😇

*Picture of John sitting with his sisters*
- I can't believe I have three kids! Fatherhood is truly incredible 💜

*Picture of Mike changing Paisley and Blakelyn's and diapers*
- My man is a diaper changing expert 😍👶🏼👶🏼

• These are going to be from Mike's account 🏈 They are in no typical order!

*Picture of John holding an ultrasound picture *
- Guess what? John is going to be a big brother and he is a big brother to TWINS!

*Picture of PK smiling*
- Date night! 😉

*Picture of PK and Mike. Mike has his hand on PK's baby bump*
- We have two healthy babies growing in there!

*Picture of PK and John together*
- These two visited me at work for lunch! 😍

*Picture of John, PK and Mike covered in pink confetti*
- It's TWO girls! We are thrilled to welcome our two girls in June! 👶🏼👶🏼

*Picture of John holding two girly outfits*
- John is already picking cute outfits for his sisters!

*Picture of Mike selfie in the mirror*
- Busy day at work! Can't wait to see my boys!

*Picture of John smiling with ice cream all over his face*
- I love spending time with my little guy. He loves ice cream can you tell? 🍦

*Picture of PK eating ice cream*
- PK uses his belly for anything 😂

*Picture of John, PK and Mike. John is wearing a Paw Patrol outfit*
- Happy third birthday to my boy. I can't believe it's been my three years since you have been born! I love you so much! You are the best 👶🏼💙🐶

*Picture of John holding up signs of the girls names*
- Our twins have names! Blakelyn & Paisley Creedon-Van Reekum. We will reveal their middle names when they are born 💕💕

*Picture of Mike building two cribs*
- Getting the girl's cribs up and ready! 👍🏻

*Picture of John on the swing*
- JJ loves going to the park! Spending a lot of time with him before the girls arrive.

*Picture of John folding clothes*
- Teaching him young. 😊👍🏻

*Picture of Mike and PK kissing*
- Last date night before our girls come!

*Picture of Mike and John. John and Mike are wearing Seahawks jerseys*
- Rocking our Hawks gear! Taking John out so PK can rest!

*Picture of Mike kissing PK's baby bump*
- Only a few more days until our princesses are born! Can't wait!

*Picture of Mike wearing blue scrubs*
- Getting ready to meet our girls! So excited! 💖💖

*Picture of Mike holding Blakelyn and Paisley*
- Proud Papa to twin girls! Blakelyn weighs 6lbs 2oz & Paisley weighs 5lbs 10oz! Healthy girls! Thank you to our phenomenal nurse for taking video and pictures for us! 👶🏼👶🏼

*Picture of Blakelyn and Paisley together. They are sleeping and holding hands*
- Here's a close up of them. They love to cuddle and hold hands 😊👶🏼💖👶🏼

*Picture of PK holding the girls on his chest*
- PK & our princesses. They both have head full of hair!

*Picture of Blakelyn and Paisley awake*
- Hi, girls! I can't believe you are both here and healthy! 👶🏼👶🏼

*Picture of John with Blakelyn and Paisley*
- John is obsessed with his sisters, even though he keeps forgetting who's who 😂

*Picture of Mike holding Blakelyn and Paisley in their car seats*
- It's time to bring our girls home! 👶🏼👶🏼

*Picture of John watching a YouTube video on the iPad and he is sitting next to Blakelyn and Paisley*
- JJ wanted his sisters to watch YouTube videos with him and it's so precious.

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