Who Goes Bump in the Night (Chapter 20)

Start from the beginning

"Stupid boys and their stupid messy ways. Do I have maid tattooed on my back side, I don't think so!" She mumbled as she slammed their bedroom door shut. She needed a shower to calm down and not to mention she needed to start getting ready for the pack meeting. Ashling walked into the bathroom undressing along the way she turned on the water allowing it to warm up when she heard a quiet tap on the bedroom door. She snagged her robe from the hook on the back of the bathroom door slipping it on quickly and moving to the bedroom door. "What?" She asked through the closed door.

"Baby, please open up." Keiran begged through the door, his voice alone began melting her mood away.

Ashling opened the door slightly glaring at him, "What do you need, Keiran?"

"I'm sorry." He eyed her as she stood there with a robe loosely tied closed. "Getting a shower?" Keiran raised an eyebrow as his eyes continued to rake over her body.

"Yes actually, ALONE!" She huffed. "The only reason I came downstairs was to tell you your mother called about the pack meeting being tonight. So I have to get ready."

"Has it already been a week?" Keiran asked amazed.

"Yes. Now I have to get ready." Ashling felt her moods shifting back to being annoyed again. She never got this annoyed with people so easy, something was different.

"Princess, I'm sorry. Please don't be angry with me." He wrapped his arms around Ashling pulling her close kissing her neck softly. "I love you."

"I love you too, Keiran." Ashling's body was fighting against her brain, her arms wrapped around his neck pulling him closer. He moved his kisses up her jaw line to meet her lips while his hands were free to slip between the folds of her robe groping her gently. A quiet moan escaped from Ashling between kisses. The robe slipped slightly off Ashling shoulder revealing one of her breasts only causing the heat between the two of them to rise.

"Hey Keir, WOAH!" Cameron quickly slapped his hand over his eyes and turned around starting to head back into the kitchen. Ashling gasped as she threw the robe around her tightly and rushed to the bathroom, her face red with embarrassment. Keiran rushed from the room angered he stopped in the kitchen to face his friends.

"OUT!" He boomed as each of them nodded and hurried out the door. Keiran's heart was racing as he felt the need to shift and tear one of his best friends to bit for seeing his mate in the compromised position. Taking deep breaths Keiran forced his heart to calm down and his inner wolf to back down. Once he was calm he walked back in the bedroom to see Ashling's robe on the floor and the shower still running. "Ash?"

"I'm so embarrassed." She whimpered from inside the shower. The glass was fogged over from the steamy water so Keiran could only make out the silhouette of her body. Her head was in her hands as she stood under the water letting it pour down on her.

"Baby, I took care of them their gone." Keiran stated from the out side the shower.

"But he saw..." Her voice caught in her throat as a sob escaped. Keiran quickly shed his clothes and stepping in the shower pulling Ashling to his chest.

"He'll never see that part of you again. I promise you that!" Keiran growled as he tighten his grip on her. "It's my fault for doing that in the door way."

"I agree with you on that." She chuckled sadly as she looked up at him. "They're never going to take me serious, now."

"Yes, they will. Trust me, those guys may act like complete children sometimes but they are good guys to have on your side in a time of need." Keiran's face fell slightly as he thought of Donovan. "Come on we need to get you ready to meet your new pack."

The Baynes Legacy - Book 3- Who Goes Bump In The NightWhere stories live. Discover now