Chapter 27

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"Um, Kookie?" I stroked his hair. He didn't respond and continued to sleep. His hair stuck to his forehead and his mouth was unclosed.

"Wake up little one." It kind of hurt to speak due to all of the coughing that I've been doing lately. Still, he didn't respond. I rubbed my thumb in a short pattern on his cheek before I got my phone and called Namjoon.

"Are you guys alright? Hoseok's still saying he's not sick?"

"Yep, but he has been helping us out a lot. Little Kookie has claimed me as his wife, I have many questions about that by the way. Other than that we've been surviving." I continued. "When will we go for our checkups?"

"I almost forgot about that. Your appointments are at 16:05 today, Kookie is first...about that wife thing, I don't know where it came from," He laughed. "But he claimed you before his own appa could."

"Well...he did say he wouldn't be mad if we ended up together..." My comment intimated what I really hoped would happen.

"He did? That's my boy." I could hear the fondness in his tone and could tell that he had that dimply smile and the sparkle in his eyes to go with it. Just the thought had me smiling too, picturing it.

"Mr. Seokjin, can you order pizza? I'm tired of eating sick people food." Hoseok groaned.

"Alright child, hyung I'll call you later." With that I hung up and called Domino's.


"So I heard part of your conversation. You and appa...aren't together...but you want to be?"

I drunk my warm drink and blamed it for my burning cheeks. "I guess...not just because he's rich or anything, I'm no gold digger."

"I know."

I continued with my statement. "I love being in you guys' life, mine had no excitement before. All of you are amazing kids and I would love to stay with you and continue to shape you into great young adults. And Namjoon hyung is pretty sweet, he didn't have to give me so much yet I'm thankful for it. My appa loves him and you guys and he wants us to be a family..." Hoseok was smiling hard. "Oh, I didn't mean to rant.."

"I know."

He kept smiling as he stared at me. "What? Do I have something on my face?" He nodded and I began to wipe at my face. "Where? What is it snot?"

"It's everywhere, your eyes mainly. I saw it when you were talking to him on the phone, and just now as we talked about him." What the hell? My cheeks were flaming and I didn't want to make eye contact because the boy was grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

"Mr. Seokjinnie." I heard sniffles. "Mr. Seokjinnie." When I looked I saw Kookie speed walking in and finally plopped into my lap to let out his tears.

"Why are you crying baby? Are you hurting anywhere?"


"What's wrong then Kookie?"

"I dunno." His crying only got worse as he began to have a coughing fit.

"Here child, come take your medicine."

"No!" He screamed, scaring me. The always happy baby was looking more like how the neighbors described him only two and a half weeks ago.

"Jungkook, take your medicine. You have to or else."

"I don't want to take anything! Mr. Seokjinnie tell him to leave me alone!" I sighed due to the headache I was already having.

"Kookie, take your medicine so you can feel better okay?" I stroked his hair. He pushed me away and screamed as loud as he could before his nose began to bleed and it wasn't long before he passed out. Seconds later my phone rung.

"That's Jungkook right? I heard him scream all the way from here."

"What the fuck just happened Namjoon!?" I tapped Jungkook's cheek and tried to wake him up.

"Well I'm gonna assume he didn't have his medications, is Hoseok there with it?"

"Yeah, why did his nose start to bleed and why did he pass out? What does this child have?" I tried to keep calm.

"He tends to stress himself out for nothing and he would get so frustrated that what you witnessed, would happen. I'd suggest you pull him into a comfortable position and wait for him to wake up, as soon as he does give him the bottle that says 'tempothamia' first, then give him something to eat and then 'Floundermeotion' he should be fine then." He hummed to himself. "Hoseok should know this stuff anyways so I don't expect you to remember.

(A/N:I'm so good at these medical terms right. FLOUNDERMEOTION get it hahahahahahahahaha okay bye...)

"Alright joonie, thank you."

"Joonie? Cute." I hung up and blushed. Hoseok had already put the boy on the couch and covered him in a blanket, medication ready with a spoon and some of the pizza cut up into smaller pieces.

"Hoseok, where did you run off to?" I need to thank him, because I already forgot.

Book is almost done. I'll try for 35 chapters but if I don't I'll just try to get to 30

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