Chapter 1: New Era *

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  • Dedicated to Hally Roman Peterson

* Indicates current Revision Progress

Chapter 1: New Era

            The sound of battle rings sharply in the forest, giant footsteps rattle the earth as my men rage war with the Valgarin, giant, brutish humanoids the size of mature oak trees. Charecterized by their two horns, clawed fingers and powerful bodies, these vampire giants have long been the bane of the Fairywoodlands.

            I frown in irritation as my men start to lose ground, the Valgarin pressing their attack. I sigh shortly, before jumping high into the air, drawing my twin swords and landing on top of one’s head. I gaze at him with my green eyes, flashing a strong, stern look before beheading him. As his headless body crashes to the ground, I land with grace, without so much as a stumble. My purple highlighted black hair drifts down gently, in stark contrast to my foe who has met his demise. The sun shines down on me, illuminating my light brown skin.

            With a fierce laugh, I jump at the next one, slicing it in the stomach, before kicking it back into one of its comrades. As they fall over each other, I push off and jump at the leader, which bares three horns and much more intelligence. He swings in fury, the force blowing me away, forcing me to realign myself so that I land softly on the ground. Sweat coats my face, as I pant heavily from my efforts. My men root me on, but the only way I’m going to win is with a strategy. I wipe my brow, before charging at him once more. He charges as well, uprooting a massive tree and swinging it like a barbarian’s club, swinging it overhead as to smash me like a grape.

            I suddenly realize that he is going to hit me, and so I brace myself, lifting up my arms to shield myself. A loud shriek of terror rings out as a wave of blood washes over me. I look in disbelief as the arms, legs, and torso all collapse in a bloody heap.

            Someone… saved me? But who? And killing them in one shot? That’s rare, except for the most powerful of us fairies!

            I look on in the tree line, and see a black shadow staring at me, its sword dripping with blood. Its piercing crimson red eyes burn at me, but yet, its aura seems calm, like a gentle wave of flowing energy. A faint trace of a smile crosses its features, and a rush of wind buffets me.

            “Deresta? Wui Arist Yare? Arist Yare Danica Crown?”

            I have no idea what he is even saying, but I can clearly hear my own name.

            “Do you mind saying that in the Common tongue? I don’t know what you are saying or what you are saying it in!”

            He chuckles rather harshly. “I said, ‘Hello? Who are you? Are you Danica Crown’. I would like you to answer my question, are you in fact Danica Crown? A simple yes or no will suffice.”

            My men look nervous.

            “Danica, my lady, do you know this guy?!”

            The shadow crows, almost as though in triumph.

            “So you are Danica Crown… that makes the hunting down much easier for me… Tell me… do you know my name?”

            I give him a look.

            “Seriously, we just met and you’re asking me if I know your name? Of course not! I’m not a mind reader! Why don’t you tell me if you are so insistent?”

            He shakes his head. “I would have expected as much. It has been thirteen years, after all… Ahh well. I suppose you’ll just have to find out on your own then…”

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